As soon as Kong stepped out of the car, our eyes met. I could literally see stars and hearts in his eyes.

Kongpob's POV:

I opened my eyes, to find my husband, looking at his ring, with a beautiful smile on his face. Everything that happened a last evening was so perfect, that I couldn't help but recall them, in my mind.

Previous evening:

I didn't really like going to gatherings, especially this one, since this was planned on the evening of my graduation, when I could have very well slept, snuggling up to my Oon. I missed him so much, that I kept throwing daggers, at my dad, on our way to the party. It was my mom who kept me under control, chuckling every now and then, saying I will love the evening today, which I did not quite understand why.

It was only after I stepped out of the car, my breath hitched. Standing before me, at the beginning of the aisle, was the love of my life, against the colourfull sky, which blended as perfectly as our lives. For the initial few minutes, I couldn't understand what was happening, until everyone started occupying the chairs.

"Are we getting married? Now?" I asked my P'. There was a deafening guffaw, but my focus was so much on my sun, that all I could see, was him nodding. I didn't know how to react, and my immediate response was to shout "I do!" and run towards my love, with a little blush. But before I could lunge forward, my dad caught me, and said "Wait up, young man! We still have a few minutes for it!".

I blushed even harder, and wai-ed everyone, in an attempt to apologise. I looked back at my Oon, who was laughing out loud, at my eagerness to reach him. The place, the date, the timing were all so perfect that I couldn't have asked for a better wedding. I took a few moments to look around at the decorations, my friends and well wishers who had come to bless us. Shock is an understatement, when I noticed both our friends, occupying the first few rows. "Every one of you knew it?" I asked. And they all mouthed a yes, along with a gesture of zipping their mouths, pointing towards P'Arthit.

Just when I was about to shout at them, the procession started. The officiant made his introduction, and also introduced us. We were then asked to walk down the aisle - something I have always dreamt of doing. P'Arthit extended his hand, asking me to walk with him; a walk that would be extended to the end of our lives. We started walking down, hand in hand, beaming with happiness.

We were asked to exchange our vows, and that is when I realised, I didn't have the time to prepare one. But when my sun started talking, all my thoughts vanished.

"Kongpob! From today onwards, you and I will be one in heart, body and mind. You are my person, my inspiration, my love and my everything.

Because of you, I can feel myself, slowly but surely becoming the me I have always dreamt of being. Without you, my life has no meaning.

I love to hold you in my arms each night. You are the best thing about me.

I vow to always remember to treasure you and I vow to express my love for you, as often as I breathe each breath.

Let us build a home, a life and a family from our bonds of true love and our vows to stick together through all life's challenges.

I promise to never lose our spark and to always do the little things to make you happy.

I promise to always make you laugh and to laugh together. I cannot wait to spend a lifetime loving you!" he said, with tears in his eyes, which showed how truly he meant every word he just said.

I just stood there, not knowing how to respond to such a heartfelt vow! What do I say now? Gathering all my thoughts with every ounce of clarity I could muster, I said -

"P! My Oon! My Sun! You have been my bestfriend, mentor, playmate, confident, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life. You make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible.

You have brought such joy to my life. I promise that each kiss will be filled with more love than the last and that our days together will grow in love and devotion.

I promise to love you, to honour you. I promise to be your co-pilot, your navigator and to bring snacks on our road trips through life."

Not knowing what else to say, I continued "P' I also promise to not watch the next episode without you and to watch every movie together - or at least pretend like it's my first time watching it, even if I have already watched it.

I promise to always love you and cherish you - as much as I cherish my iced coffee!"

Everyone started laughing hearing what I said, which kind of covered up my inability to think beyond this.

With that, we exchanged our rings and shared our first kiss as a married couple!

The remaining hours flew by, with everyone congratulating us and teasing us a little here and there. But we never stopped holding hands, throughout the reception.

We were really exhausted, at the end of the day, but still, P' managed to congregate all his energy, into making love, again, for the first time, as a married couple.

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