Stepping Up, Chapter 70

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"I don't like this," Don grumbled, staying close to the alley's wall. "I shouldn't be putting myself at risk like this. I'm the leader of this whole thing."

Tibs glared Jackal silent.

He and the fighter were accompanying Don and his team to Sebastian's house. They'd told Don it was to help, but this was what both had been worried about. Although they had picked up an unexpected ally within Don's team.

"They need to see you be part of this, Don," Radkliff said, glancing into the alley's intersection. "Like you said, you're the leader. You think any of them would be doing their part without you here showing them how it's done?"

Don straightened and when Radkliff motioned for them to move forward, he gave Tibs an amused smile.

The attack on Sebastian's house had been simple to push through. Destroying your enemy's base of operation was a sound strategy, and they now had someone who could get them through the magical defenses of the building, with Don and his element.

That was when things had gotten complicated for Tibs.

With realizing the plan needed him to be on the front lines, Don had become resistant, even if, until then, he'd been more than happy to take the credit for it. He wasn't loud in his resistance, he clearly understood he had to maintain the illusion he was behind the plan to keep people looking up to him, but he kept trying modifications that allowed him to do his part at a distance.

Jackal had had a hard time staying silent when confronted with the sorcerer's cowardliness. And while Quigly had no problem remaining friendly as he tried to keep Don on point, he never cared what people thought of him. Tibs had stayed out of it because he didn't know anything about strategy, but despaired of the plan falling apart until Radkliff had joined in the manipulation.

The rogue had been able to word things so it made Don sound more important for being with them. He talked about Don's leadership, his wisdom, and his charisma. At no point did Radkliff say Don needed his ego fed, but to Tibs that was clearly what he was saying.

And it worked, although they had to keep reminding Don how important his place in the plan was.

Sawat climbed down from the roof and took up her bow. "There's a group two intersections ahead. I counted six." She was a conscript who'd graduated to Upsilon the day before Sto closed his door. Don had made her part of his team since his official archer had yet to return. She had air as her element.

Tibs sensed seven. Not that one person without an element would change how this fight went.

"Jackal," Don said. "Once they're in sight, you and Raonull rush them. Radkliff and Tibs are on the roofs to flank them. Sawat finds a vantage point to shoot at anyone trying to run. Don't worry about kill shots. Once they're down, we'll make sure they're out."

Tibs was up the wall the moment Don stopped giving instructions. The direct line to the roof he wanted wasn't possible as the alley was wider than he could jump. Then he noticed Radkliff was heading away, and the others were moving slowly on the ground. Even Sawat was staying there for the moment.

Without anyone to see him, he ran for the large gap, already anticipating how fun that was going to be. He threw himself over the void and channeled air to push him further, only managing to keep his glee to a chuckle as he realized that even with that he wasn't going to make it. He sent essence ahead, hardened it, stepped, and leaped again, arms wide as he pirouetted the rest of the way.

He landed and posed for the crowd that wasn't there, and his momentum sent him tumbling down the angled roof. With an oops at his miscalculation and a laugh, was over the side and falling. He switched to earth and hardened himself only seconds before the impact.

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