Chapter 2

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"Luis.." Daxly rubbed her temple. "Are we seriously going to do this here? Right now?"

"Is this why you didn't want me to come along? Because of Denis's friends?" Luis exclaimed crossing his arms.

"Luis you do this every time I meet someone new." Daxly whispered. "It's getting annoying."

"What's annoying is knowing your girlfriend is trying to go see other guys." Luis sneered.

"What?! Did you pull that one out of your ass too? You said the same thing about Denis!" Daxly exclaimed. "You need to stop thinking every guy friend I have I like!"

"Your absolutely stunning Daxly. Theres no thinking What guys wanna do with you. Wether thats be your friend or try to take you away!"

"Maybe.. I Wanna be taken away from You! I don't know why you pushed so hard to be here if all your going to do Is drag me around like some... doll!" Daxly exclaimed.

"Hey Daxly."

Daxly turned around and saw Odessa at the top of the stairs. Odessa stood with her arms crossed and peered over at the couple. "Everything all good?"

"Everything's fine." Luis grumbled.

"I was asking daxly." Odessa grimaced.

Daxly smiled softly. "Im okay Odessa."

Odessa nodded. "Find anything You want to keep?" Odessa asked walking towards daxly.

Daxly stepped forward. "No but I found something I need to lose." She muttered. "I'm going to look in the bedroom."


"The boxes should be pushed in the back somewhere." Denis announced opening a dusty cabinet. "By the other cabinets or near the wood stand... maybe."

Elijah closed the door behind them and put his hands in his pockets looking around. "It's oddly.. spacious in here."

"The one room you store stuff in and he doesn't store stuff in it." Denis mumbled. He grabbed a box and set it to the side, turning around and started to reach for more boxes.

"Why did the," Alex cleared his throat and crossed his arms standing off to the side. "neighborhood become so run down and like abandoned? It seems like a nice neighborhood."

Denis stood up dropping boxes down. He wiped his hands on his pants slowly and sputtered. "I'm.. im not entirely sure actually."

Elijah turned around from grabbing a box and stared at Denis. "Your dad never told you?"

Denis shook his head turning back to the boxes. He didn't say anything and the three stood in awkward silence.

Alex laughed nervously. "You never questioned it? Like.. this neighborhood seems so.. safe, its j-"

"I never asked him." Denis cut Alex off loudly slamming two other boxes on the floor. Alex and Elijah jumped.

"I didn't mean to cross a line.." Alex said quietly. "We don't have to like.. talk about it." He walked over to Denis and picked up the boxes he had thrown on the floor. "I'll carry these in."

Elijah stood up straight and watched as Alex left the garage. Elijah turned to Denis giving him a look.

"What?" Denis asked.

Elijah shook his head. "Nothing."

Denis sighed rubbing his face. "I'm sorry for slamming the boxes." He looked at Elijah.

Elijah has his back turned to him. "I'm not the one to apologize to."

Denis frowned. "I'll go take these inside."

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