Chapter 3

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"Let her go she ain't your fucking bitch." Odessa's voice echoed.


"No he's over making his ass look like a fucking fool." Odessa said. "Daxly might be your girlfriend but she isn't a pet you can leash and drag around."

"Odessa please." Daxly whispered. "He just wants to talk to me. It'll be fine." Rushed footsteps walked towards the steps.

Ethan got to the top of the steps and bumped Into a very angry Luis and Daxly. Ethan grabbed the handle of the stairs and rebalanced himself gasping in surprise. He looked up at luis. "My bad man.. I didn't see you. What's up with all th--"

Luis glared at him. "Look where your fucking going." He muttered, stomping down the stairs gripping onto Daxly. "Dumbass."  Daxly looked back at Ethan and mouthed sorry.

Alex stopped stepping on the stairs and looked at Ethan. "What happened?" He whispered.

Ethan turned around furrowing his eyebrows in confusion looking at Luis and Daxly. He could see how he was gripping onto her. "Your holding onto her hella tight." He announced at the top of the steps.

Luis stopped and swung around at Ethan. "I don't need anything from some bitch. Me and Daxly only have to talk."

"What?" Ethan asked and stepped back onto the stairs. "Say that shit again?"

"Whoa hold on." Alex said stepping forward. "Luis jeez man."

"Whats wrong?" Denis called from the bottom of the steps with Elijah who held more boxes. Elijah looked at Ethan and gave him a concerned look. Ethan looked at Elijah and shook his head.

"I'm just saying people need to stay out of me and Daxlys relationship. It's getting annoying as fuck." Luis exclaimed.

"Last time I checked nobody wanted you here." Odessa mumbled from behind Ethan. "Not even your girl."

Luis glared at Ethan. "The fuck did you say?"

"My accent might be rough but it doesn't sound nothing like that." Ethan pointed out and crossed his arms. "I didn't say shit."

"Luis. Please. We can just leave if you so desperately want too. All I wanted to do was help my friends." Daxly mumbled.

Odessa stepped forward onto the steps. "Woah woah. Your going to let your boyfriend drag you away? Just because of  what.. he's a little peeved your making new friends who aren't girls?" She stepped on the steps with Ethan. "He's just a sensitive wuss."

"Odessa." Jane whispered. "Stop that."

"What?" Odessa exclaimed. "It's true. He needs to calm down." She crossed her arms and looked over at Ethan.

Ethan looked between Luis and Odessa. "Just let go of Daxly. You can go if you want we're not holding you captive." He said to Luis.

Luis glared at Ethan for a moment then looked at Daxly who didn't make eye contact with him. He looked around once more and scoffed dropping Daxlys arm. "I cant believe this shit."

He stomped down the rest of the steps and shoved past Denis and Elijah and turned towards the front door. You could hear the door swing open and slam loudly. It shook the house And Ethan looked at Elijah Who stared at the door.

Elijah turned back towards Ethan and set the boxes down. He walked up the stairs as Daxly rushed down them. "Dear god." She mumbled.

Elijah smacked Ethans arm. "Starting drama with a dude you just met?"

"He was a asshole. He Deserved it." Odessa chimed In walking down the stairs towards the boxes.

Ethan sighed. "He was gripping onto daxly and I said something about it." Ethan said quietly.


"Luis." Daxly excalimed. "Luis please! Let's just talk please?"

"No, you wanted to be with your new friends. So that's what I'm doing. Leaving you the fuck alone." Luis exclaimed walking down the porch steps.

"Luis stop this." Daxly frowned. "I know it was frustratin-"

"It is. It still is." Luis snapped. "I just wanted to spend time with you and to calm my over thinking.." He sighed. "Daxly it's just I worry."

"I know." She grabbed Luis's arm and faced him. "I know you do. Sometimes it's a little much Luis."

"I just," He sighed and looked down. "I don't want you to leave me."

Daxlys heart dropped. She looked away from Luis and let go of his arm. "Let's go back inside."

"You won't leave me right?"


Daxly and Luis walked back inside. Daxly kept looking at Luis sheepishly as he started to apologize for yelling and slamming things.

Ethan and Odessa stood by the stairs exchanging glances with each other. Luis voice sounded so monotone it threw both of them off.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you too.." He said sighing. "We all cool?"

Ethan looked at Elijah who nodded. Ethan turned back to Luis. He nodded. "Sure."

Luis stared at Ethan and forced a smile. "Sure."

Denis broke the silence. "Well. It seems oddly tense. How about we break up and look around the neighborhood?"

"We can look around the neighborhood?"

Denis jumped turning around.

Finely stood behind them drinking out of a coke bottle. "What was all the yelling about anyways?"

"Where were you?" Denis asked.

"I dozed off in the bedroom while I was looking around. The plane flight was a total disaster." She said. "Why?"

"No I just.." Denis mumbled. "I forgot you were here."

Finely frowned. "That's silly."

"She's hard to miss." Jane said.

Denis sighed. "We'll break up and come back in like 30 okay? We go in duos though."

"Duos?" Elijah asked.

"Yeah. You and Ethan, me and Alex, Luis and Daxly, and Jane and Odessa." Denis said. "Do y'all have watches?"

"Wait what about me?" Finely asked.

Denis turned around. "Uhm you can go with Ethan and Elijah, okay Come on Alex." Denis rushed and grabbed Alex leaving.

Jane and Odessa headed out along with the other duo quickly. Ethan tried to say something back but everyone was gone.

Finely looked around and turned to Elijah and Ethan. "Well.."

"Is it too late to go with Alex and Denis." Elijah whispered.

"Come on.. Let's just go look around."

After Duskजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें