Part 41

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Sawyer's POV

The day at Magic Kingdom was the best day ever. It was amazing. We went on loads of rides, which was scary at first, but as the day went on, I started to find them super fun. We also met a load of Disney characters, including the Princesses, at dinner in the Castle. That was so cool. The restaurant was literally in the Castle, and the princesses walked around while we ate. Plus, the food was really yummy. 

Then we stayed late to watch the spectacular fireworks show; they lit the whole Castle up with a projection, and it was a big show alongside the fireworks. Hemsworth insisted that I sit on his shoulders because he was the tallest, so I had the best view possible, which just added to the experience. For the first time in my life, I felt like I could just be a child for the day, and I loved it.

Since then, we did Epcot, which was super cool and had a massive golf ball. Mama bought us food from each country and let me try it all, which was fun. There weren't many rides there, and it was a lot more relaxed, which was fun. We didn't stay as late at Epcot, going back to the hotel and having dinner there, which was nice and added to the relaxing vibes of the day, which was needed because I was exhausted after the day in Magic Kingdom. 

We also went to this place Mama called Disney Springs, where we did some shopping and got some food; that was fun because Kelly wasn't there that day as it wasn't one of the parks, and we didn't need a tour guide. It was just Mama, Lizzie, and me at Disney Springs. The others all went to a water park, so we enjoyed a girls' day shopping. 

At one point, Lizzie and I went off and did some shopping alone, and I managed to get Mama some really pretty earrings for her birthday, which is in two months. Mama had given me a card I could use to buy my own stuff, which had some of my movie money in the account, so I used that to buy her present. They were silver with little emeralds, which reminded me of her eyes. I had made Lizzie take them and promised not to tell Mama about them so that they were a surprise for her birthday.

Today, Mama said we are going to Animal Kingdom, which I am excited about because I love animals. Mama said they have a safari ride where I can see some. We are currently meeting up with security and Kelly again before we go into the park. She is way too cheery for me to deal with this early, though. 

"Mama", I whisper as I pull on Mama's trouser leg, making her look down at me. "Yeah, baby?" she asks as she moves my cap to cover my face from the sun, which is already making the day super hot. "Can I have a map? I don't want Kelly to ask me five hundred times what we are going to do; I need to be prepared," I explain with a smile as I wait for her to pass me one. "Sure, baby, just give me a second to find you one," she says softly before going to talk to one of the security guards who is already here. 

The man came back seconds later with a small smile as he passed me a map, making me mumble a quiet "thanks" shyly before I turned to Mama. "Pen, please", I asked before doing the same as yesterday as I analysed the map before circling all the things that looked interesting.

Before we knew it, Kelly was walking up to us with a big smile, and she practically skipped over to us. As soon as she was close enough, I walked over, passing her the map with a small smile before running over to Lizzie with the aim of hiding from the overly cheery woman. "Well, good morning to you too, Nola. I see you have a plan for us this morning," she chuckled, looking at me before she greeted everyone else, leaving me be, thankfully. 

As we walked into the park, I couldn't help but notice how different it was from Magic Kingdom. It has a much more relaxed vibe, and I loved it as the tropical music played softly from the speakers. As we walked into the park, I froze, feeling a sense of deja vu as I marvelled at the sight of the big tree in front of us. 

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