Part 27

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Sawyer's POV

It was scorching today, so I understand why Mama made me put my swimmers on, but it made me angry that everyone stared at my back; I could feel their eyes on me while Mama put suncream all over me, and it made my skin crawl. I could almost feel each lick of the whip all over again as their eyes bore into my soul, as they all analysed my scars. Mama wouldn't let Robert give me his shirt and just told them all off, which made me feel bad. It wasn't their fault I had scars, and I could understand the staring.

I had caught my reflection in the mirror when I was changing in Mama's closet the other day, and the scars were scary looking.

So when Lizzie came over and apologised for staring and told me how strong I was, I could see the pain in her eyes, and I wanted to take that away. Mama said my cuddles make her less sad. Plus, I know for sure that Mama's cuddles always make me feel a whole lot better. So I figured that maybe that would work with Lizzie, which is why I flung myself into her. I could tell she was surprised, but I didn't care, she was warm and fuzzy, not quite as good as Mama's hugs, but still, it felt nice. I could feel her crying as her tears dropped onto my head, making me snuggle into her more, trying my best to cheer her up.

I don't know how long I snuggled into Lizzie, but I must have fallen asleep on her lap because I was woken up with a start when I felt something wet splash on me. I went to move away when I felt arms around my waist, making me flinch even more. "Please, sir, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I'll get back to my chores; no need for more water or to go upstairs. Please," I cry out, desperately, going to get up so I can continue cleaning the house. My actions are stopped by the arms still around my waist.

"SJ, it's Lizzie; you're not there," I could hear someone say softly in my ear, "Can someone get Scar?" I heard another voice yell, making me flinch. "No, I don't like it when you put me in the water. No, No, No," I mumble, still trying to get away. "Baby, it's Mama. You are safe. I'm safe. Everyone is safe," I heard a familiar voice whisper into my ear as I was moved from where I was lying a moment ago. "Open your eyes for Mama princess," a familiar voice cooed, swaying us back and forth as I finally came to my senses and slowly opened my eyes, realising I wasn't at Cooper's but in Robert's back garden.

"There are those beautiful eyes," Mama said softly, brushing some hair off my forehead as she smiled at me. "Did they wake you up, princess? Big stupid boys, huh?" She said softly in a playful tone, making me smile slightly. "Hey, SJ, you want to get them back?" Lizzie asked, making me look at her confused. "The boys sprayed you with a water gun by accident, SJ. Do you want to spray them back?" She asked, holding up a giant water gun for me. I just looked at it before shaking my head and moving to cuddle into Mama more, not wanting to risk being hit with the water.

"You sure it will be fun, baby" she tried to persuade me, but I just shrugged. "Cooper used to hold me under the water in the bathtub till I passed out when I didn't clean the house right," I mutter, not fond of the idea of playing with water. I heard Lizzie gasp from next to Mama as Lizzie dropped the water gun she had been holding out to me straight away.

"I'm so sorry, baby; we don't have to join in the water fight," Mama said, pulling me into an even tighter hug, "but I want you to know that you're safe with me, and the water isn't bad. Cooper is," she said softly but firmly as I shrugged. Lizzie looked over at us sadly until she must have had an idea as her eyes lit up.

She hopped up, holding her hand out for me; I stared at it for a moment, only really wanting Mama at this moment, before deciding Lizzie was safe and grabbing hold of her hand as she pulled me into the house, grabbing a packet of something before taking me upstairs to the guest room Mama made me change in.

"Jump up onto that bench by the window. I'll be right back," Lizzie said before walking into the bathroom that was joined to the room. I hesitantly stood up on the bench Lizzie had pointed at, smiling as I saw everyone outside running around and playing. It looks like they're all having fun, and a part of me wished I could join them, but I know that I would just freak out and make myself look even more like a nutjob.

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