Part 40

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Scarlett's POV

It never occurred to me that she wouldn't know what Disney World was when I planned this trip. She looked so confused when I told her where she was, but I'm hoping that as the day goes on, she will love it here; I mean, who wouldn't love Disney World? It's the happiest place in the world. 

I was not impressed by Chris when they took her and stuffed her shoes, but she seemed so excited when she ran over to tell me she could go on all the rides that I let it slide. Although I'm going to hold her hand extra tight on the bigger rides just to make sure she's ok. 

I noticed that she doesn't seem to like Kelly, but I'm hoping that's because she's just being shy. She is currently walking through Main Street between Robert and Evans, and they are swinging her in the air every few steps; I can hear her giggles from back here, and the whole encounter puts the biggest smile on my face as I snap a few pictures of them from behind.

As we walked down the street, I could see people stop and point at us, but I just ignored it, determined that we were all going to have a great trip. Kelly halts us on our walk up to the castle as she points to the store, asking if any of us want to go in. 

As we were walking, I noticed Sawyer looking at some of the people in the park who had Mickey's ears, so when Kelly pointed out the store, I figured now would be an excellent opportunity to get some for everyone. "How long till the parade?" I asked, checking that I had time to grab everyone's ears. Kelly smiled at me before checking her watch. "Fifteen minutes, so you have time; there's an area that they have closed off for you to watch it from, so we don't have to worry about the crowds," she said cheerily. 

I think that's why Sawyer doesn't like her; she seems to distrust overly happy people. "Great, come on, Nola", I call out for Sawyer, hating that I couldn't just call her baby and scoop her up on my way into the store. She came running over to me with a smile before grabbing my hand as I led her into the busy store. 

Lizzie followed closely behind us, one of the bodyguards coming with us just in case, as the boys waited outside. "So, what are we shopping for?" Lizzie asked as she looked around the store with a smile. "Well, you can look at whatever you wish, but we are going to buy Mickey ears for everyone", I explained, watching as Sawyer's smile grew when she realised what we were up to.

She squeals before pulling my hand as she runs over to the big display of ears. "Are we picking the ears for everyone?" She asks as she scans all the ears eagerly, making me chuckle. "Go ahead, pick for everyone", I say, watching as she starts grabbing ears left and right, smiling as she does before she stops abruptly, turning to me with a shy smile as she motions for me to come closer. "What's up, baby?" I ask just above a whisper as I crouch to her height. 

"Mama, can we please get ears for the security men? They look too serious to blend in here", she asked in a small voice, making me smile at how caring she was. "Sure, baby. Do you want to get some for Kelly, too?" I ask, watching as she rolls her eyes slightly before grabbing more ears and passing them to me before smiling at me again. "All done," she says, making me stand up and walk over to the counter, laughing as I finally notice the ears she has got everyone. Once we had paid, I handed the bag to Sawyer as per her request before finding Lizzie and leaving the store to meet the others at the spot to watch the parade.

"I have something for everyone", Sawyer announces as she walks up to the group, pulling at Evan's arm before whispering to him. He chuckled before picking her up and sticking her on his shoulders, making me laugh at what a softie he was.

 Once settled, she waves me closer. "Can you hold the bag open for me, please? Then I'll hand them out?" She asked softly, making me smile and take the bag. She pulls out the set of Iron Man ears, passing them to Robert, who chuckles before sticking them on. She moves on, passing Jeremy, Mark and Hemsworth, Hawkeye, Hulk and Thor's ears, as they all smile at her antics. She pulls out my Black Widow ones, making me smile as she places them on my head softly instead of passing them to me.

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