Part 13

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Sawyer's POV

Scarlett was walking into the shopping centre with Lizzie beside us, chatting animatedly with Scarlett while I looked around hesitantly. She explained about some people with cameras while we were in the car, and I am really hoping we don't run into any.

"Is there anywhere you want to go in particular, baby?" Scarlett asks me, rubbing my back as we walk through the shopping centre. I just shrug my shoulders as my eyes dart around the bright building. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before, and all the lights were a lot. Not to mention all the people walking around, which was not comforting my already jittery nerves. There is a lot going on right now, and I am not a fan of it all. "That's ok, SJ. Why don't we pick the stores, and you can show us what you like, huh?" Lizzie asks me gently from next to us. I just nod as I settle my head back into the space by Scarlett's neck as she walks us into a shop that has lots of clothes. I don't think I have ever been shopping before. Mummy used to do it while I was in school, and then he never let me out of the house, let alone go shopping.

"Ok, baby, let's start with some pants. Once we get some, you can put them on so you're not too cold while we browse," Scarlett explains as she shifts me in her arms; I look at her, confused at what she meant, as she walks into one of the shops. "Pants?" I ask, confused because I know I defiantly put pants on this morning under Scarlett's T-shirt. Seeing my confusion Scarlett and Lizzie laugh lightly while she pulls out a pair of leggings. "I think you call them trousers SJ, but we Americans call them pants. Leggings probably work better for us all, though," she explains, making me nod along, still mildly confused. Scarlett just laughs at my confused pout before adjusting her hold on me so that she can look through the racks while keeping me in her arms.

I whine in the process, making her chuckle at me once again, "I'm not putting you down, baby, just moving you so that I can look through the racks," she explains softly while still looking at the rack. "No change, I like your hoodie," I grumble, pulling the hoodie fabric closer to my face to hide, not liking the idea of changing, making her and Lizzie both chuckle some more as they look at the clothes. "You can keep it on, baby; just put some leggings under it so your legs aren't cold, that's all," she explains to me gently as she pulls some black leggings off the rack. "How about these?" She asks, holding them in front of me so I can see them; I just shrug; Scarlett seems to understand and keeps looking at all the clothes while I just look around the shop, which I now notice is empty beside us, making me wonder where everyone who was walking around earlier is.

Scarlett and Lizzie have been looking at clothes for ages, and now I'm bored.

I had been working through equations in my head for Jonna, but I've finished them all. I just need to write them down, but I need something to do it on. I think about it for a moment before shifting to look at Scarlett, whose attention is on a rack of dresses; I really hope she doesn't make me wear some pink frilly thing. "Scarlett?" I mumble quietly, tapping gently on her cheek to get her attention, making her turn to me, smiling.

"Yes, baby? Do you see something you want?" She asks excitedly at the idea that I was going to engage in this supposed shopping spree. "No, but can I use the notes on your phone to write my equations for Jonna, please? I just finished working it out in my head and want to write it down," I ask timidly, worried she would be mad at the request.

Instead, I was met with her smile as she shifted me slightly, reaching into her pocket for her phone before passing it to me. "Go ahead, baby. You do your brainbox stuff; after you finish, do you think that you could try some stuff on for Lizzie and me, please?" She says. At the same time, I started typing equations into the phone, nodding aimlessly at whatever she had just asked, making her laugh. Clearly, knowing I was paying zero attention to her.

Returned to Sender - Scarlett Johanssonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें