Chapter 3

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Queen Storm was sitting on her throne with her head on the arm of the stone throne, she looked bony and starving but she didn't want to eat. Her grief was too much, losing one daughter was enough and now she was glad she had sent Onyx away. She couldn't get sick that way.

"Your majesty?"

She shakily lifted her head but it was too much effort so she laid it back down and slowly turned her head. It was the doctor, he held a basket of glowberries.

Amethyst's favorite fruit...

Her heart clenched at the thought and she felt like crying but her eyes were too crusted to release tears.

"" Her voice was dry and raspy,

"You need to drink and eat if you want to survive this illness." The doctor reminded her gently, "I don't want to survive... I want to die." Queen Storm said last night her husband, King Everest, had died in his sleep from the same illness Amethyst and the Queen had.

"You need to live, for your kingdom... Your son and daughter." The doctor tried to reason with the grieving queen but she didn't speak.

"Your majesty?"

The doctor hesitantly approached her, the queen wasn't breathing. The crown on her head tipped over and fell onto the stone floor. The doctor looked horrified as realization came to him.

Queen Storm was dead.

Onyx giggled as Spyro acted out his fight with Malefor with exaggerated movements. He swooped up and down as he pretended to be Malefor at some points while Spyro at other points.

"He was all like Yes Jose and I said no way Jose!" Spyro said, pointing to himself, he landed in front of Onyx slowly. "And then you can picture the most awesome fight scene in all of Skyland history and that's basically what happened."

Onyx clapped "Still can't believe you fought off Malefor!" She said with an excited tone, "You can basically do anything, can't you?" She said

"Yes ma'am." Spyro said as he strutted back and forth. Onyx laughed quietly, she looked at the stars and Luna. Spyro sat beside her and watched the stars and moon beside her.

Spyro saw an opportunity and he slowly stretched his arms, until one wrapped around Onyx and pulled her close. She jumped slightly but she leaned into his touch.

We're making progress, Spyro thought to himself with a smirk.

Onyx closed her eyes as she leaned into him, she seemed to relax quite a lot. Spyro couldn't help but watch her, that he didn't notice he was leaning backwards but Onyx noticed and she went to move but it was too late.

The two went tumbling down the hill and collapsed onto the forest floor. Onyx landed on top of Spyro who groaned but chuckled at the same time. The princess giggled alongside him.

"Smooth." She commented jokingly, Spyro looked at her with a raised eyebrow "Excuse me? believe this is your fault." He said teasingly

Onyx rolled her eyes and couldn't stop her from laying on his chest, Spyro smiled as he rest his arms around her neck and he looked down at her. Onyx was laying there, appearing to be at peace with everything.

"Onyx," Spyro began "There's something I want to tell you."

"Oh?" Onyx removed her head from his chest and looked at him questioningly. "And what would that be?"

"I...." Spyro trailed off "I really like you." He said "And I know you might not like me but I simply cannot keep it a secret anymore."

"Awww Spyro," Onyx felt warm inside, she knew her answer to his proposal and instead of just answering she leaned her head into his snout and gave him a quick kiss before she pulled away.

Spyro was quiet as the gears in his brain turned at the action that just took place. He smiled like an idiot and quickly stole Onyx's snout into another kiss which she accepted.

That's when it all went wrong.

Next thing she knew things got heated... Like really heated.

She woke up in Spyro's bed the next morning, her necklace was missing but she didn't really care. She turned her head over and looked at Spyro who was sound asleep. His wings were over Onyx's back while her talons were underneath his head.

Can't believe that really happened. She thought to herself as images of the night before raced through her mind.

Her writhing in pleasure underneath him, his groans, her claws scrapping against his impenetrable scales.

Onyx didn't want to move, but when someone knocked on Spyro's door, she shot up and woke up Spyro in the process. She jumped out of his bed and onto the hardwood floor meanwhile Spyro was tangled up in blankets and struggling to get out of them.

He finally toppled out of bed and he cracked out of bed, covering up Onyx's figure with his wing to prevent anyone from seeing inside the room.

By the sound of the voice it was Eruptor, "Hey buddy, I made breakfast." He said

"Cool, cool, give me a second." Spyro said as he pretended to yawn. With that he closed the door on Eruptor before the lava man could speak. Spyro put his head next to the door to listen for Eruptor and then swiveled around to face Onyx.

She looked at him questioningly but he just walked up to the window and opened it. "Here you can fly out of here." Onyx nodded, completely forgetting about her necklace. She was quick to fly out of the window.

Little did she know that would be the last time she would ever see her Spyro again.

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