Chapter 4 & 5

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A/N: I thought chapter 5 was too short so I merged it with 4

Onyx landed in front of her dorm. She went and took a shower to clean off last night’s events and then she went to her classes today which were more boring than ever. 
She kept on daydreaming about Spyro, long enough apparently she didn’t hear her name being called. 
“Onyx!” Jet Vac slapped a ruler against her desk, the Howlhorn shot up and looked at the teacher. 
“Yes sir?” She asked 
“What’s the answer?” He asked 
“Oh uhm…” Onyx fiddled with her talons nervously, she was saved by Master Eon coming into the classroom. His beard was waving in the wind more than usual. 
“Jet Vac, sorry to interrupt your lesson but I need to see Onyx.” Eon said and Jet Vac sighed but he nodded nonetheless. 
Onyx got up from her seat, she could feel the other cadets’ stares on her. She walked out of the classroom with Master Eon. 
They walked around the academy, Master Eon was silent for a good minute or two. He then spoke after what felt like forever,
“Onyx, I am sorry for your losses.” He said 
“What do you mean?” Onyx asked confusedly, growing worried by the minute.
Am I being expelled? Wait no, he wouldn’t said sorry for your losses by that
“While you were away… Illness struck the Royal Family and...” Onyx’s world slowly crumbled as he told her the truth. 
The queen, her mother, had died from illness. The heir, her sister, had died from illness. The king, her father, had died from illness. Everyone but Gold was dead.
And now she had to leave the Academy and become queen. 
Onyx was sobbing as she packed her things, both from the loss of her family and her dreams. When she got done packing, which took forever since she was crying and unable to focus on anything instead of what she was losing, she met Master Eon in the entrance to the Academy as she waited for the guards to arrive. 
Onyx wiped her eyes for the sixth time since the news had hit. She tore up the grass as she waited. 
“Hey Eon, what’s going on?” A familiar voice said, Onyx turned her head to see the Skylanders including Spyro. 
“It is not my business to tell.” Master Eon said as he looked at Onyx. Everyone was now looking at her. 
“I-I…” Her voice cracked. “My mother and sister got ill… and-and.” Onyx looked at the ground so they didn’t have to see her tears. 
“I have to become Queen.” Is all she could say, she looked up at the Skylanders, Stealth Elf looked hurt and her ears folded down slightly while Eruptor and Pop Fizz had a look of pity but Spyro looked absolutely heartbroken. 
“So you’re leaving?” Spyro landed in front of her, Stealth Elf poofed to his side. 
Onyx nodded as the sound of wings flapping could be heard. 
They all turned around to see four Howlhorns adorned in armor land on the ground. 
“Are you ready, your majesty?” A female guard said 
Onyx looked back at Spyro, she grabbed his claw, “You know… I need a king…” She said, trying to hint at him coming with her. 
Spyro looked hopeful but then he looked back at the others. His next words shattered her heart
“I…. I can’t, I’m a skylander, I’m no king.” 
Onyx nodded as if she pretended to understand but she didn’t. She let go of his claw and turned around. 
“I’m ready.” Is all she said, the guards nodded as one took her suitcase. Then they all flew off. 
Onyx then thought to herself
We’ll see each other again, my love 
Oh how wrong she was

Words: 615

Onyx was quiet the whole fly home, she kept on wiping away tears nearly the whole way. 
Finally after days, they arrived at the mountain. 
The guards walked to the snow covered trap door, they opened it and let Onyx inside first and then they followed. 
Onyx flew into the wide underground city, she hovered for a minute as she looked around. Passing citizens looked at her and muttered to one another 
“The princess has returned.”
“Is she really up for the duty of queen?”
“I don’t know.”
Onyx flew towards the stone palace without waiting on the guards who were quick to catch up. She landed at the entrance, the guards nodded respectfully to the princess. 
Onyx nodded back and stepped into the palace, when you walk into the palace you are immediately greeted with a long stone hallway that soon opens up to the throne room and from there are different hallways on the sides leading to bedrooms, libraries, and etc. 
There in the throne room was her brother, Gold, who gave her a sad smile. Onyx busted down into tears and nearly fell down had it not been for the guards there to catch her. 
Gold rushed up to her, he immediately brought her to her feet and hugged her with his wings. Onyx cried into his shoulder. She happened to look down at his claws to see the Necklace, she pulled away from it. 
“Do you really think I’m ready?” She asked
Gold nodded “I think you’re as ready as you’ll ever be.” 
Onyx let him walk up to her and slip the Necklace around her neck and put the crown on her head.

Words: 208

Total: 908

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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