Chapter 22- Dress shopping another form of torment

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All I could make out was dress this and dress that. She may call me her flower, but right now I felt more like a prickly cactus.

"Evelyn, are you even listening to me?" Mom asks little annoyed.

Uh-oh busted. "Yes mom." I mumbled out staring out the car window. Fall was approaching, the leaves were starting to fall off the trees and was changing colors from green to red and orange.

"Really what did I just say then?" She asks inquisitively.

"You were saying how you couldn't wait to put me in ug- I mean some pretty dresses." I reply with a forced smile on my face.

"Lucky guess." Mom mumbled now turning into the mall parking lot.

Now for a small town like Virginia we really didn't have much. The Central Mall was the closest think we had to anything huge.

A lot of people ended up at the mall during weekends. I was just hoping I didn't run into anyone I knew. I wasn't against hiding away somewhere from my fellow peers if I was to bump into them in public.

"You coming or am I going have to drag you out?" Mom asks with annoyance laced in her voice . I was so in my thoughts I didn't even hear her car door open.

"I'm coming." I sigh in defeat.

"That one suites you so well sweetie!" Mom squeals out like a little school girl.

I was in a pastel colored fluffed out dress. I felt like this dress had arms of it's own and was trying suffocate me.

If I tell mom I didn't like the dress it wouldn't go over so well, so instead I just give a tight fake smile.

"It's nice." I lie through my teeth. I didn't even know why we was bothering with colored dresses when I told Fiona I was wearing black and white.

"I can tell when you lie." My mother states signaling me to go back into the changing room and try on the other thousand dresses she picked out for me.

I manage to take off the strangulation device that was that dress and slipped into a more comfortable one. This dress was shimmering black. I mean this dress beat the others ones by far.

Stepping out of the changing room my mothers eyes got huge.

"Say yes to that dress." Mom exclaims with excitement in her almond eyes, rushing over to me and giving my shoulder a tight squeeze.

I had to admit I liked this dress—not that I was ever going to admit that out loud to her.

"This one will do." I genuinely smile at my mom hoping my face didn't give it away that I indeed liked the dress.

"You look gorgeous." A third voice adds looking over near mom revealed that it was Camila. What was she doing here? Shopping for clothes obviously.

Camila sported a loose pink shirt with light denim jeans and long brown boots. Usually Camila was styling and glammed out it was nice seeing her more laid back clothes.

Even though her laid back clothes made her still look intimidating.

"Oh, dear I didn't see you there. Please join us." My mother suggested patting the seat next to her.

Did my opinion even matter? Apparently not. I shoot my mother a what the heck look than looked back at Camila whose eyes seemed glued to me this whole entire time.

Camila's grey eyes travel to my face all the way down to my pasty white legs. My face begins to heat up because I felt exposed in front of her. Yeah I currently despised her but I wasn't blind. Camila is undeniably attractive.

I would react this way to any attractive female. At least that's what I kept telling myself in my head.

"As much as I would love to spend hours staring at your daughter in this dress, I really need to get going." Camila says with an undertone of what I believed was seductively.

Her eyes seemed like they didn't want to stop staring at me. Did maybe she feel guilty about everything?
Camila was like a puzzle without all the puzzle pieces. I felt like I was never going to be able to completely figure her out.

"Your at least taking my daughter to the gala right?" My mom hopefully asks. Wow mom way to play it cool.

"I'm afraid not." This time Camila broke eye contact with me and looked off to the distance.

"I'm sorry, I really need to go." Camila states more serious excusing herself and rushes off.

Following Camila's retreating figure I noticed
a well dressed man with his cellphone up to his ear. Camila interrupts his phone call standing up on her tip toes and plants a kiss on the man's cheek.

I couldn't get a real good view of this guy, but I had a bad feeling already.

Who the heck was that guy? Why did I even care?

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