2 - Power

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My mother started screaming in fear. She was terrified, but still pulled me behind her and tried to protect me.

"Heeeelp! I really don't want to die; someone please come and save us!"

Her cries were for nothing. No one came to help us.

"Orand, just know I love you more than anything. I'm really sorry I couldn't give you a better life or that we couldn't be together for any longer, but just know I tried my best. This is the fate of us goblins. We get hunted down. Don't ever forget me, I love you."

The bear bit off the torso of my mother in front of me, only leaving a pair of legs. It instantly ended her life.

I know I said I wouldn't mind if I died, but I am completely terrified. My body is trembling. Experiencing this situation broke me for the second time. Please help... I really don't want to die again...

I close my eyes and await my death to come.

The entire village has gone silent. They reduced the population of our village to a fraction in only about 4 minutes. Now I know why everyone was terrified when those humans came earlier...

The bear let out a tremendous roar, and I could feel it getting closer to me.

I can feel its head close; its hot breath irritating my skin. This is the end...

I could feel its teeth sinking into my body. The pain I felt was intolerable.

This pain is way worse than when I got stabbed. I've never felt anything worse... I can't endure another second of this pain... please make it stop.

All of a sudden, the pain stopped. I've never been more relieved in my life. This sensation is exactly like that time I got stabbed...

Then it hit me. I opened my eyes and indeed; I was right. In front of me was a window containing an invitation.

"You have been invited by his truly. Would you like to accept? Yes / No"

And just like last time, there is another window below it.

"If the 'No' option is chosen, your heart will stop in approximately 0.4 seconds."

Having read this, I answered,


The instant I stated my answer, I was transported.

I seem to be back in the room where this all began...

"We seem to meet again. How are you enjoying living the life of a goblin?"

It said, followed by an obnoxious laughter.

"Damn you... Why would you do this to me? Do you gain pleasure from other people's suffering?"

"I sadly cannot answer that question of yours. Your questions will be answered eventually."

"Just who are you even? Where are we?"

"Well, I suppose I can answer those questions... I am Kazai, God of Death. I am the one who deals with the souls of the deceased. Once a person dies, they come to me to receive judgment and what will happen to them afterward. The place we consist in at the moment is my domain. One rarely comes here, but you, you're special. This place resides between heaven and hell, and the other worlds."

"What do you mean, I'm special? How and why am I special?"

"I sadly cannot tell you that. Your questions will be answered eventually."

I fell to my knees and cried out,

"Why? Why can't you give me an explanation of why this is happening to me, after putting me through all that? And what's even going to happen to me now? I was killed as a goblin; will you just reincarnate me into another shitty world as another weak creature?"

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