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At 2 o'clock in the morning all Chan could hear was pounding on his apartment door. He quickly got up making his way to the door swinging it open. His eyes squinting from drowsiness. "Jisung what the fuck are you doing here?" The younger pushed passed Chan and made his way inside. Chan rolled his eyes and shut the door. "Sure come in."

He walked into the living room and laid down on the couch waiting for Jisung to announce why he was here. "You're a fucking asshole. A dumb one too." Chan looked up confused. "What?"

Jisung groaned. " FELIX!" Chan was even more confused. "What are you talking about?" "Felix told you he liked somebody and you thought it was me didn't you." The older rolled his eyes. "Is that what this is about? Look if Felix likes you that's none of my business." "YOURE AN ACTUAL FUCKING IDIOT CHRISTOPHER!"

Chan was starting to get annoyed. "What do you want Jisung?" Jisung sighed. "Felix doesn't like me." "What?" "He likes you. Actually, no, scratch that he loves you." Chans eyes widened. "What are you talking about?" "Felix has had a crush on you for forever. He talks about you and gushes over you all the fucking time. He doesn't like me, he likes you. Your stupid ass just can't take a fucking hint."

"He- he likes me....." Jisung nods. " oh my fucking god I need to talk to him now." "YES GO!" Chan gets up off his couch and puts on his shoes leaving quickly. "Assholes, I'm friends with assholes."

Jisung left the apartment locking Chan's door and headed back to his car. While he was driving home, his phone started ringing.

"Hey Minho"

"Why is Chan texting me gay panicking over Felix"

"See now Chan and Felix went out last week and Chan asked Felix if he liked somebody Felix said yeah and chans dumbass thought he liked me so he started acting bitchy towards Felix and Felix told me everything and I came here and cussed Chan out then told him the truth and now he's on his way over there to talk to him."

"Awe aren't you a little Cupid"

"I know right. Should start making these bitches pay for my services."

"On your way home?"

"Yes I need sleep. Why are you up at 2am?"

"I'm doing a photoshoot."

"Minho who schedules a photoshoot for 2am???"

"My manager. Lucky for me I get the next week off after this so hopefully I can sleep for the next 3 days."

"The talent show is this week!"

"Speaking of which. Who schedules a talent show in the middle of summer?"

"It's not actually a talent show, it's a fundraiser fair for something for the school and a talent show is part of one of the activities you can do there."

"Oh sounds fun, I'll be there."

"I know cause if you aren't I'm going to hit you....with my car."

"I love you too, I gotta go breaks over. I'll text you later"

"Bye love"

"Bye princess"

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