But not a few seconds after that you heard your phone vibrate again, this time it kept on vibrating indicating that it wasn't a message but someone's calling. And you could almost tell who it was as you let out a muffled scream before sitting up and snatching your phone from the nightstand along with a string of curses that seemed to fly out of your lips instinctively until you saw who it was who's calling.

"And why is that woman even calling me now?" you sighed, sliding the answer button as you put the phone next to your ear waiting for your colleague to speak, which she did after a moment.

"Hey, I just called to ask you for a morning coffee tomorrow."

"Why do you even call?" you asked in a tone that you didn't bother hiding your apparent boredom. "You could have just told me tomorrow."

"Well, it's better to tell you beforehand." You fought the urge to roll your eyes as you hummed in response.

"Anything else you want to say?"

Though you silently wished there's none because you rather lie wide awake staring at your dull ceiling for hours than pretend to listen to her ranting for minutes. In which case you were glad she said there's nothing else she wants to say, even though it sounded that there is something she wanted to say.

But unlike all good friends, you didn't bother asking what it was and you ended the call. You put your phone back again but this time you didn't lie back down. Instead you looked out your window, hearing the muffled honks of cars from the road nearby, the voices of a group of teenagers passing by down the alley and you can see the neon lights flickering on and off in a shop by the street.

You climbed down the bed and decided to head to the kitchen, suddenly craving a hot drink if you weren't going to sleep anyways, might as well drink something to warm your stomach. You left your phone in your bedroom so you didn't see another text message from Hawks saying that he looks forward to patrolling tomorrow.

You only read the message the next day when you check the time before going to work. You frowned for a second, reading what Hawks sent you.

"Does he seriously think I care?" you asked before another message popped up, this time it was Hawks saying good morning along with another emoji before you let out a heavy sigh and put your phone in your pocket and headed outside your apartment.

You had almost forgotten about the morning coffee with your colleague until you passed by the coffee shop and saw her waving at you.

"Y/n!" she called when you were walking up to her. "Let's grab some coffee."

You looked at her as she linked her arm around yours and headed to the counter to order a cappuccino and you ordered a caffe americano along with a slice of cake and a sandwich for you.

When you sat down on the chair, the table close to the window because that was where your colleague wanted to sit, you finally voiced out your thoughts. "You look awfully happy today," you said.

"Awfully happy? Girl I'm elated!" she said. "Haven't you heard it?"

"Heard what?" you asked, taking a bite of your chicken sandwich and sipping your coffee, letting out a satisfied sigh as you felt your stomach warmed.

"Seriously, do you ever visit social media?"

Of course not, you thought. When each scroll you'll see a picture of Hawks or a video of his interviews, and you'll just get another headache, you decide that it's no use visiting social media. But as though thinking about him summoned the devil himself, the next thing your colleague said almost made you choke on your drink.

𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗟𝗘 𝗛𝗔𝗪𝗞𝗦 || k. takamiWhere stories live. Discover now