When they find you asleep at your desk~

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(a/n: i don't think i explained the scenario very well in the title, but this is basically just when you overwork yourself and fall asleep from exhaustion)


- *sounds of quiet fangirling*
- He kinda looks like Shirogane in the picture at the top.
- He hates to see you overwork yourself, but he also thinks you look adorable.
- After taking a few pictures, he carefully lifts you and carries you to your bed.
- If you start to wake up, he tries to get you back to sleep, since you clearly need the rest.


- He felt bad because he hadn't realized how hard you had been working.
- He knew you had been working, but he assumed you were taking breaks because of how often you remind him to take care of himself.
- He's afraid to disturb you by trying to carry you to bed, so he just brings a blanket and lays it on you.
- He then falls asleep right next to you.


- She warned you that this would happen, but she knew you wouldn't listen, so she wasn't surprised to find you slumped over on the desk.
- She does feel bad that you've helped her stop overworking herself, but she can't even do the same for you.
- She gently wakes you up and guides you to bed where she tucks you in before going to tidy your desk for the next day.
- You do get a lecture the next day on the importance of taking care of yourself.


- When he saw you at your desk before he left for work, he was a little scared something like this might happen. He blames himself for not being there for you.
- He thinks about hiring someone to keep an eye on you while you work just so this won't happen again. Of course, he'll wait until you wake up to discuss the idea with you.
- For now, he just gently wakes you up so he can take you to bed.
- He doesn't go to work the next day just so he can make sure you don't overwork yourself again.


- He chuckles when he sees you. It reminds him of the days he would spend hacking with little to no sleep.
- He's about to carry you to bed, but stops when he realizes this is his first chance to see you sleeping. It's always too dark in your room, but since you had the light on when you fell asleep at the desk, he's able to properly look at you.
- He loves how peaceful you look. Even if you don't like the way you look when you sleep, he thinks it's absolutely adorable.
- He'll savor the moment for some time, then carry you to bed, doing his best not to wake you.


- At first, he's concerned that you somehow hurt yourself by working so much.
- Just as he's about to panic, he sees you stir a little, and realizes you've only fallen asleep.
- After allowing his heart rate to return to normal, he starts to contemplate whether he should wake you up.
- You obviously need the rest, so he doesn't want to wake you, but he also knows your back will hurt in the morning from the position you're sleeping in.
- He decides to wake you, but tries to get you in bed as quickly as possible so you don't wake up fully.
- When you do get in bed, he climbs in with you and strokes your head to help you fall asleep again.


Y'all need to start sending requests lmao, I'm running out of stuff to write.

So here's the update on my life that no one really cares about: AP test scores came out today! This year I took the Chemistry and US History tests. I got a 2 on the Chemistry test (I honestly expected a 1), but I got a 5 on the History test!!! If you don't know how AP scoring works, 1 is the lowest possible score, and 5 is the highest. It was crazy to see I got a 5 in US History though, considering that History has always been one of my worst subjects.

I've also started applying to colleges! I wonder how many people reading this didn't realize I was old enough to apply for college lmao. The whole idea of college really freaks me out, but I'm trying to work on an essay right now (which honestly might be kinda fun).

Also, this might be a total long shot, but does anyone want to help me write for a blog? It's not like it's a huge commitment, it can just be one post, but I need hELP. For the IB Program, I have to do a CAS (creativity, activity, service) project, so I'm making a blog about books, but I've made it so that I make one post a week (which probably isn't a great idea, but too late now). So yeah, if you want to write something, just DM me (I think you can do that on Wattpad, but I haven't actually checked, oops).

Anyway, this is dragging on, so just make sure to stay healthy. Be sure to eat some food and drink some water. Also be sure you're sleeping well. It sounds annoying, but you'll feel good if you do! I know it's not actually that easy, but any bit of progress is good for you!!

That really is all I have to say. I hope you have an amazing day/night!

~ Eliza

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