Their favorite place to kiss you~

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(A/N: these will not be sexual because sex=gross- brought to you by the asexual gang)


- He loves to kiss your chin and neck.
- It's not in a sexual way (at least, not always in a sexual way).
- Whenever you cuddle, sometimes he'll just softly kiss your neck or collarbone.
- He likes that you let him do it; it makes him feel like you trust him.


- His favorite spot to kiss is your forehead.
- Every time he kisses you there, it makes him feel like he's able to protect you.
- Sometimes, you kiss him back on the forehead.
- He gets extremely flustered when you do.


- She likes to kiss you on your lips.
- Yes, it's simple, but she's always preferred it that way.
- She'll kiss you in other places too (sometimes your nose), but she thinks kissing you on the lips is the best way to show affection.


- He absolutely loves to kiss your nose.
- Whenever he does it, your nose crinkles up a tiny bit and it's the cutest thing to him.
- He tries to do it when you're not expecting it.


- Thighs.
- I was going to say that as a joke at first, but it actually makes perfect sense to me so we're going with it.
- When you're watching a movie together, you like to take turns laying your heads on each other's laps.
- You'll stroke his hair, and he'll just softly kiss you on the thigh.


I'm sorry this was so short. I wanted to write something that would take less time today. Also, I'm touch starved so this was just perfect for me.

I tried to make these sound the least sexual that I possibly could, but I feel like people are still going to take it that way. If you read this, I'm requesting that you please don't comment sexual things. I won't be angry if you do, it just makes me slightly uncomfortable.

Anyway, I've been forgetting to say this, but please go drink some water. If you haven't eaten, please go eat something too (even if it's just a tiny snack.) And if no one has told you this today, I'm very proud of you! Keep going! <3

That's all for now. Thank you for reading!

~ Eliza

mystic messenger scenarios~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora