What you do on a snow day~

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(a/n: i probably should have done this while it was actually snowing her, but i had no motivation. also, i decided to write because they're taking ohshc off of netflix and it's my comfort show so i'm upset and need something to make me happy. anyway, enjoy the picture of yumemi, then go ahead and read ^^)


- He becomes a little more concerned about his skin whenever it's cold because it tends to become more dry.
- Because of this, he's hesitant to come outside on snow days, but if he sees that you want to, he won't be able to resist.
- In the snow, he writes cute little messages for you and makes drawings of hearts. It's adorable.
- After you've been outside for a while and it starts to get cold, you both come inside and cuddle on the couch while watching a movie together.


- He absolutely loves the snow. He thinks it looks gorgeous and it's fun to play in.
- He gets really excited if you enjoy the snow as much as he does.
- When you get outside, the first thing he does is fall on his back into the snow. When you lie next to him, he grabs your hand and you make snow angels together.
- He also compliments you a lot on your winter outfit, thinking it looks really nice on you.


- Jaehee is not a fan of cold weather at all. She solely likes winter for aesthetic purposes. If it didn't look so pretty, she would despise it.
- No matter how much you beg, she won't go outside with you, so you can either go outside by yourself, or spend some time with your girlfriend. It's an easy choice.
- You make some hot chocolate for you and Jaehee, and enjoy it while snuggling together on the couch while watching something on the TV (probably one of Zen's musicals).


- Like Jaehee, Jumin isn't a fan of the cold. However, if you want to go outside, he will go with you (reluctantly).
- While outside, he doesn't participate in what you're doing, but he does sit on the patio and watch you with a small smile.
- You end up making two snowmen that are supposed to resemble you and him, but it turns out poorly. He doesn't care- he thinks it's cute.


- Oh my gosh, he's so excited to go in the snow with you. You are not allowed to stay inside on snow days.
- He drags you outside and tries to do a lot of activities. He makes lots of tiny snowmen and plenty of snow angels around the yard.
- He will not hesitate to nail you in the face with a snowball during a snowball fight.
- If he hurts you though, he apologizes profusely and takes you inside for some hot chocolate.


Omg, can someone tell me why I'm taking IB. I already know the answer (it's because I was mostly complimented on my academic ability as a child and eventually this led to my thinking that at no matter what cost, I must succeed in school and be better than everyone else) but the classes still suck.

Anyway, I got some antidepressants, so we'll see what happens to my mental state. Also, unrelated, I think I'm so close to shifting, and I better be because I have some homework I have to do for school that I desperately want to avoid.

Anyway, you know the drill. Drink some water, eat some food (even if it's just a small snack), and remember that I'm proud of you. No matter what struggles you've faced, you're here right now, and that just proves what a strong person you are. That's all for now. See you in the next chapter!

~ Eliza

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