Permission granted.

ابدأ من البداية

Mahaya entered her office. Her coffee was already there and Bhavna seemed to be talking to someone.

"Ma'am, the eleven o'clock with the Mishra's is fixed." Bhavna informed her, hanging up.

Mahaya nodded.

Bhavna stepped out as Mahaya began to re-read the Mishra's file.

It was a simple case. They wanted to buy twenty shares of the Roy Enterprises but they had a few conditions.

The conditions weren't mentioned on paper yet.

Mahaya heard the door opening and expected to see Bhavna come in.

She was shocked when she saw Rashi instead of her assistant.

"Rashi, what are you doing here?" Mahaya asked, trying to cover up her shocked face.

"Hey, I hope I wasn't disturbing." Rashi smiled hesitantly as she entered, sitting in a chair opposite to Mahaya.

"No, not at all. I was just reading the Mishra's file." Mahaya replied.

Mahaya took a few sips of her coffee as she closed the file.

"So what's up?" Mahaya asked.

She didn't want Rashi in her cabin.

"Well, I was here to ask for permission." She said timidly.

"Permission for what?" Mahaya crunched her eyebrows, confused.

Mahaya was the head of the department but that didn't usually have lawyers coming up to her cabin, asking for permissions.

"Well, I didn't know, so I'm just here for confirmation."

"About what?" Mahaya's patience was wearing thin.

To calm herself she lifted her coffee and placed it between her lips, ready to take a sip.

"Are you and Yashraj an item?"

The coffee flew right onto the closed file, from her mouth.

Mahaya quickly wiped off the traces of coffee from the file, grabbing a few tissue papers.

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no!" Mahaya quickly said, pouring water on her spoiled shirt, trying to rub off the trace of coffee.

She looked at Rashi, sitting there, looking at her in surprise.

"No, no no. No. Yashraj and I are not an item." Mahaya reassured.

"Alright. I just wanted to ask your permission since you two seem tight, you know? So it's better to ask you than cause a drift between us." Rashi smiled sweetly, which Mahaya felt weird.

"No. It's completely alright." Mahaya said, gritting her teeth.

Damn, that was one hot coffee.


Yashraj was typing furiously into his computer, trying to find the bug.

Two hours ago, the technician had reported a virus in their system. It was slowing programs down and hanging the computers.

Everyone predicted it to be a minor bug. There's one everywhere and it's usually a piece of cake to remove it.

But Yashraj wasn't able to find it. And he'd been searching for quite some time.

Maybe a break was what he needed.

Their website project was kept on hold for the moment.

Yashraj got out of his tiny cubicle and made his way to the cafeteria.

"One coffee, black." Yashraj ordered and paid a twenty rupees bill.

"Thank you." He muttered as he picked up his coffee.

He was on the way to his cubicle and software world again when he was stopped on the way.

"Hey, do you have a minute?" Rashi asked him.

"Yeah sure. What's up?" Yashraj asked.

"Well, it has been a week." She began.

A week and three f'ucking days.

Yashraj wanted to interrupt but he didn't.

"Has it?" Yashraj laughed nervously.

Rashi gave him a soft smile.

"And I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight." Rashi asked, looking at him through her long eyelashes.

Yashraj grinned.

"Do I? I have to check my schedule. I'm a very busy man." He pretended to think.

Rashi gave him a playful punch in his stomach.

"So, tonight after office?" Rashi asked.

"Tonight after office." Yashraj confirmed.

So how many of you fell for that little prank earlier?

I always wanted to do that!

Tell me about it in the comments.

The UnWanted Passenger #YourStoryIndiaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن