The Sanctuary

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"So we need a lot of glass, some chests, sea lanterns, dirt, and so much more." Phil states as the two look at a sketch of a blueprint, drawn by Athena and suggestions by Phil. "I know it's a lot, but we should be able to do it in a couple of days. I believe we can." She states happily, smiling at Phil, her greenish gray eyes closed. "I may not be able to build under the water, but with you by my side, I know I can achieve this goal."

Phil smiles at her brightly, then pulls her in for a side hug with his wing. "Welcome back mate." The two look through the blueprints, conversing a plan. Phil flies off as Athena walks back to her once happy home, L'Manburg, to ask her trusted friends for materials. She sees the entrance of L'Manburg and walks through with no problem.

She walks towards Tommy's house, walks up the patio, and knocks on the door. His pet cow approaches the woman, and rubs his head against her leg. She smiles down at the cow and pets his head. The door opens and Tommy pops his head out, but soon had stars in his eyes with a huge grin.

"Athena! You came back! When Wilbur announced you left, I couldn't believe it!" Tommy shouts, then pulls Athena inside. "He announced I left?" She asks the small boy. He looks back at her then nods with a saddened look. "Yeah, he said it was your choice to leave, and we should support it. But I knew you would come back!" He immediately brights up again.

Athena looks down at Tommy, seeing the black feather still around his neck. She smiles at the sight. "So Tommy, there's a reason I'm here. I have no where to go and. . ." Athena explains her plan to Tommy and about how Phil will be helping her.

Tommy gave the materials he had to Athena, and they both walk out the door, only to be greeted by Wilbur, Fundy, and Quackity. The two stop talking and stare at Wilbur as he does the same to Athena. "I thought you were exiled. . ." Wilbur trails off. The word exile confused Tommy, Fundy, Quackity, and Athena, he never said she was exiled from the nation.

"You're confusing me Wilbur, I was never exiled, you said for me to leave. Not, 'never come back here'." Athena states. "Same thing."

"No, not the same thing, Wilbur. Exile is leaving and never coming back, just leaving is going away for a long bit, then coming back once in awhile."

Wilbur stays silent for a second, then smirks at her. "You probably heard of our election, so you came here to run for it, right?"

"Wilbur, did you only do the election just to bring Athena back?" Tommy asks Wilbur in a saddened tone. Athena and Wilbur glare at each other for a long period of time. "Fundy, Quackity, please keep an eye on Athena until she leaves." Wilbur states, making Athena role her eyes under her mask. "Execute her if she tries anything." The said boys look at Wilbur in shock as Athena passes him, bumping his shoulder. Wilbur looks at Athena's back as she is followed by Fundy and Quackity.

"Wilbur, is there something you're not telling me?" Tommy asks the President of the nation. Wilbur seems to snap out of his thoughts and looks at Tommy. "Why do you think that Tommy?"

"W-Well... You and Luck have been distant with each other ever since the war has ended. A-And you've been more mean to her, and you guys seem to be at each other's end of the straw." Tommy explains in hesitation. Wilbur stays silent, has it really been that noticeable?

"There's something she's not telling us about her... And I wanna figure out what it is."

Athena walks near the entrance of L'Manburg, with Quackity and Fundy still following her. "You weren't going to try to kill me, even with the consequences, right?" Athena asks the two behind her, still facing the entrance.

"No, we weren't." Fundy states as the two put their weapons away. "He's losing his mind. An election just for himself..." Quackity continues. Athena stays silent, contemplating what to say, what to do.

"Let me know when the election is being held." Athena states, then slightly looks back at the two. "Maybe I'll watch from a distance." She walks out of the gate entrance, her cape flowing from the wind behind her back. She walks back to the spot on the beach to see Phil already below sea level starting the build.

She whistles towards the crow, making his head pop out from the water, his blonde hair over his eyes. He shakes his head like a dog with a soft smile on his face. "You're back! Did you get everything?" He asks her. She smiles under her mask and nods her head, showing her inventory full of dark oak wood, spruce wood, cobblestone, and decorative stuff.

"I visited some friends from L'Manburg. They know the situation, and apparently I'm exiled now? I don't know..." She mumbles the last part as she puts the decorative stuff in a double chest, Phil listening intently from the water next to the shore. "He thinks I'm hiding something from him, all of them. And he's right..." She goes near the shore in front of Phil and sits on the sand cross-legged.

"But they're not ready yet, how do you think they would react if I told them, 'Hey guys, when I touch water, my human skin melts' or 'Hey guys, I can literally die if I use my abilities to much, and I'll turn into a slimy corpse'." She rants while doing hand gestures to show her emotion. "And don't even get me started with, 'Guys guess what, Endermen won't try to kill me because they basically think I'm a god to their species, can understand them, and I have so many voices in my head from previous generations of my species chanting for me to kill everything and everyone'!!" She huffs out in anger from her examples then looks to see Phil finishing up the bottom half of the sanctuary. She deadpans at him as he resurfaces.

"Were you even listening?"

"I was, actually. Now you can do the top part of the sanctuary." He states as he gets out from the water and sits next to Athena on the sand. "But I get what you mean."

Athena chuckles a bit then stands up, and starts to build a staircase. After a couple of more hours, with some of Phil's help, they were finally able to finish the sanctuary. It was so beautifully built, it would glow during the night, Athena would be able to see all of the sea creatures and underwater... It was heaven.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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