Building. . . HOW?!

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Athena POV

As I walk towards a village I see, I take in the world I'm in. It's so beautiful, colorful flowers on the grass, trees and grass blowing by the wind, and the crunching of the fallen leaves under my blue boots. As I get closer to the village, I see men, women, and some children in different types of clothes. When I walk on the pathway, my tail and ears bouncing with every step, the villagers only look at me, then keep talking when I walk by. Of course, I greet them with smiles and hello's as they just smile. It starts to become sun down, and the villagers go into their house, for some reason.

A child villager runs up to me in tears, and tugs on the edge of my purple skirt. I look down, then crouch to be eye level. "What's wrong little kid?" I ask. They just grab my hand and tug me towards where they want me to go.

I follow and see up ahead an oak house, but a villager is being cornered by... zombies?! When were zombies in this world?! I know Zombie Piglins but not actual real Zombies! No matter, I ran towards the villager with my stone sword out, pick up a rock, and chucked it at one of the zombie's head.

"Hey! Come after me, over here!" I shout. The three zombies start to make their way towards me slowly as I stay steady with the sword. I'm not a samurai or a swordswoman, I don't know how to use this thing. One tries to grab my head, but I dodge to the side, while almost tripping, and took my chance to slash at its head. It falls to the ground dead as the other two come from behind me. I turned a stab them both in the eye socket.

They both fall dead to the ground as I breathe heavily from fear, sweat pouring down my face to my chin. I touch my cheek to feel a liquid substance. I pull my hand back to see green zombie blood on my cheek and stone sword. I look back at the villager and child to see them hugging and crying. I smile and lead them to their house, as they offer for me to stay inside. I accept the offer and wait until morning to continue my trail.

It turns morning as the villagers come out from their houses and do their own activities. I walk out, clean from the zombie blood, the offered home to see the whole village surrounding the house. "Good morning everyone." I greet with toothy smile. One villager comes up to me, reaches into their pocket, then pulls out a chest with straps like a backpack. "Oh? Thank you!"

I open it, making me widen my eyes in surprise and happiness. These villagers are giving me some food, a leather helmet, and an iron axe. I look at the villagers to see them bowing to me, making me smile. I thank all the villagers and say my goodbyes, until the kid from the night comes up to me. I crouch to their height, as they give me a rose for a thanks.

"Aww. Thank you little kid." I say as I take the rose and put it between my hair. "I cherish it forever." I stand up straight again and walk my way away from the village as they wave me goodbye. I wave as I walk forward with a smile and make my way to a forest area. As I walk, I think.

How am I supposed to make a house? How do I even do it? And where do I build it? A plain area sounds more easier. Just as I think that, the forest becomes brighter from the sun as I see a whole field of flowers, and an empty spot big enough. My smile becomes brighter as I run towards the area and open the recipe book. As I do, I see some blueprints of different types of houses. I find the one that looks so cool, and pretty, but also complex. Should I go for an easier one though?




"Nah, I can do this."


"oH, HoW WAs i WrONg!"

I squeak with a voice crack as I am on the ground, keeping my knees and hands from laying down. "How does this work!?" I shout again as I look at my "masterpiece", note the sarcasm. I sigh as the sun starts to go down once again. I look around and see no zombies or other monsters, if there are any...

I lay on my back facing the galaxy sky of the night, different color of flowers surrounding my body. The stars shining off of my grayish green eyes and plum colored hair spread out through the grass. I bring my black tail up to my chest and brush through the fur with my fingers. My ears start to twitch as I hear some animals that are nearby, crickets, and see some fireflies around my area.

Even if it was a habit, I close my eyes as I focus on the sounds of nature, and fall into a deep sleep.

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