Years Later

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A/N: Athena is 13 now

After 4 years, Phil and Techno have been training Athena while Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo were busy with the war preparations and other stuff in L'Manberg. When Athena has been training, she kind of gained muscle instead of being a Enderman noodle.

She has still been wearing the same clothes from her first day in this world. But when she needs to fight and is actually prepared, she wears combat clothing. She also wears a mask that has a neutral face with a medium sized cross on the forehead. And some holes to fit her horns in. The reason is because I'm combat, eyes are the most important thing to decipher.

(Inspired by BadboyHalo and Sad-ist)

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(Inspired by BadboyHalo and Sad-ist)

She has found friends for the first time, and she wouldn't change it for the world. Philza is her best friend, Techno is her protecter when needed, Tommy and Tubbo are like little brothers, and Wilbur is like an older chaotic brother. Athena was in Techno's house as Philza, Wilbur, Tommy, And Tubbo were at L'Manberg. She was getting ready to leave to visit Wilbur and Phil to be there at L'Manberg with Wilbur. She puts on a dark blue baggy sweater, fingerless gloves, some knee-high stockings that doesn't cover her toes, a purple cloak for the cold, and some baggy black cargo pants. She grabs her mask and puts it in the backpack filled with building materials, some tools, weapons, and her battle outfit.

She holds her arm out towards Zen, "Come on Zen." He lands on her arm and crawls up to her shoulder. She walks out the room and sees Techno crafting some items on the crafting table. She goes over and give him a tap on the shoulder. He turns around and looks down at her.

"What's up Athena?" He asks.

"Can you help me tie this?" She asks as she holds the mask to her face. He nods and she places the mask comfortably, then Techno ties the strings and pats her side, since she's her full height now from the age 18. She grows fast doesn't she?

"Stay safe, yeah?" He states. Athena looks back and nods with a smile hidden behind the mask.

"I will, Techno." She says then goes to the exit of the house. She waves him bye as he does the same, then she closes the door behind her and starts to follow the compass that leads to where Wilbur is.

She walks more and more, passing snow, flowers, plains of grass, hills, mountains, and animals. It took at least a single day till she looked ahead and saw a wooden build that looks like an entrance.

"Wilbur did say to wait next to what looks like a wooden entrance. And the compass is glowing slightly..." Athena mumbles. Compasses usually glow when your at least 3 miles away from that person your tracking. So when she noticed it started to glow, she waited, she knew she was at the right place.

She waited for about 15 minutes, leaning against the wood with her cloak off, and petting Zen on his blue feathers. She blows a raspberry as she becomes bored from waiting.

Until she felt her body jerk forward, Zen squawk and flies off, and a voice speaks, "Athena! You made it!" She started to choke on their spit from shock and places her hands on her knees and trembles.

"What the hell Wilbur." She breathes out as she starts to balance again.

"What do you mean "what the hell?" He repeats in disbelief. "I haven't seen you in forever!" He exclaims as he wraps his arms around her neck, her still being crouched slightly.

"It's been a week since you visited, Wilbur." She deadpans. Zen flies towards Wilbur and smacks his shoulder with his wing.

"Hey, what was that for Zen?!" He shouts in a dramatic voice.

Athena rolls her eyes with a smile under her mask and hugs Wilbur back. "It's nice to see you to Wilby." She lets go of the hug and fixes her mask a bit. "Now weren't you gonna have me meet your friends?"

"Oh yes! Come on now Athena!"

He grabs her hand and drags her towards a black wall with yellow clay blocks at the top. They stop at a part of the wall and Wilbur pulls a lever. The blocks move and show a doorway, making Athena's eyes sparkle.

"This..." Wilbur trails off, as the sunlight from the entrance showers on them, with his back to Athena and arms outstretched from his sides. " L'Manberg!"

The scenery was beautiful, flowers flowing in the wind, birds chirping all around, some people conversing with each other, and many buildings in different sizes.

"Wow..." She mumbles, making Wilbur smile up at her. Then a young voice calls out.

"Ayy, Wilbur!" Tommy shouts from a distance while waving his hand. Athena smiles softly from seeing the teen.

As Tommy got closer, he started to notice Athena, making him smile much more. He goes into full sprint, then tackles her in a hug. "Athena! You're finally here!" Tommy shouts as said girl giggles.

"Yeah Tommy, I'm finally here." Athena says with a low chuckle. Tommy then pulls back with a bright grin on his face. "Then I should show you L'Manburg!" He grabs her hand and pulls her along. "Let's go!"

Athena laughs then waves bye to Wilbur. "See ya later Wilbur!"

Wilbur smiles and waves back as Zen lands on his shoulder. He then pulls out a tied scroll and gives it to Zen who puts it in his beak. "Give this to Techno, let him know she made it safely." Zen nods and flies off with a scroll.

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