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Tommy keeps dragging Athena through a center with crafting table floors, and makes a turn. "Slow down Tommy!" She chuckles as she tries to keep up.

"I wanna get there quickly! That way I can show you L'Manberg!" Athena giggles. Yeah, she has a soft spot for this kid. Who wouldn't, to be honest. They start to approach a house and Tommy busts down the door, making a scream sound out. "TUBBO!" Tommy shouts.

The said male then runs down some stairs, "Tommy! What did I say about-." He cuts himself with a gasp as he sees Athena next to the blonde boy. "Luck!" Tubbo shouts then hugs her legs, making her hug back.

"Hey Tubbo. How have you been?" Athena asks back as she looks down at them.

"I've been good! Are we showing her around Tommy?" Tubbo asks towards the blonde after they let go of the hug. Tommy nods with a smile and Tubbo's eyes sparkle. "Then let's go already!" Tubbo shouts in excitement and tries to drag Athena out the door.

She follows and Tommy closes the door behind them and follow the tall girl and Tubbo. They passed many buildings with Tommy and Tubbo explaining what they are. They had some funny arguments, which always made Athena laugh. She feels something in her shirt pocket, she looks to see a blob that looks just like Wilbur.

"Aww, blob Wilbur is here." Athena says, getting the boys' attention and sees her patting the blob's head with her finger.

"He deffo protective." The boys say in sync, making her laugh. "I don't think he is, he's just worried about me." She explains.

Tubbo and Tommy continue to show Athena the different buildings, and Zen came back with a scroll from Techno saying, "Glad you made it. Stay safe from the government, or I'll commit arson." Which is nothing new to her. She chuckles and puts it in her satchel.

The trio approach a group of people conversing with each other. One being a female with an overall and blonde hair with brown eyes. A fox like man with orange hair with white tips, fox tail and ears, brown eyes, and the same sailor outfit. Then there was another boy with a blue beanie with the letters, LAFD, a blue hoodie with black pants, and some sneakers.

Tommy and Tubbo run towards the people as Athena speed walks behind. "Hey guys!" Tubbo shouts and waves as the others greet and wave also.

"Tubbo! Goodnoon!" The female greets as the others walk over. Athena appears next to Tubbo, being so much taller, making the people stop in front of them. "Who's this?" The female asks.

"Hey, Athena here. Nice to meet you." She said with a wave and smile showing on her mask.

"¿Sabes español?" The beanie guy asks in Spanish.
("Do you know Spanish?")

"Sí, lo hago, hombre gorrita." Athena says then giggles a bit.
(Yes I do, beanie boy.")

"You are now my favorite person." The boy says in English with a proud look. "Quackity, guess your the person Wilbur has been talking about."

"Ohh! Yeah, dad wouldn't shut up about you! Not that I didn't mind, you sound like a nice person." The fox man says with a sweat gland from his second sentence, tail starting to wag.

"Ohh! Wilbur has talked about you to! I'm glad another person is an animal like me! Glad to meet you Fundy." Athena says, tail wagging as well. Then she looks at the female, "You must be Niki! Athena, nice to meet you! Wait I already said my name. Shoot sorry!" She shouts, making the group laugh.

"It's alright." Niki responds with a soft smile.

"Come on, let's continue the tour!" Quackity shouts in excitement.

The group have showed Athena already half of L'Manberg, and she ran into more people on the way, Eret, Karl, and Sam. Eret and Athena bonded instantly. Karl was a nice boy in Athena's eyes, and swore to protect him from anything. Sam looks intimidating, but in reality, he's a good guy, and already made friends with her.

This was her home now, and she would protect it and her friends from anything.

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