The L'Manburg War

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"What do- What do we got? What's the situation?" Wilbur finally asks in the Caravan with Fundy, Tommy, Eret, Athena, and Tubbo.

All in their L'Manburg uniform with their own accessories. Eret with his sunglasses and crown, Fundy just having a crayon suit, Tubbo, Tommy, and Wilbur having just the uniform, and Athena with a piece of a Wisteria flower in her hair, her midnight blue cape, mask, and is actually wearing some red high heel boots with the L'manburg pants.

(The power of imagination is real with this one... You, that's you.)

Now how did Athena get the Wisteria flower? Let's go back to earlier that morning...

"You are an interesting creature, Athena. A touch starved one, in fact."

Sapnap says, starts to grow in size from his Blazeborn side with his hair turning into fire and flow like a lion's, then picks her up and carry her on his back. Athena snuggles in more to his back as he walks back to L'Manburg. He makes it to the wall and sees a black silhouette of a boy. When he got closer, he noticed it was Karl, one of his good friends.

"Sapnap?" Karl whispers as the said man stands in front of him. "Hey Karl..." He trails off, then shows Athena on his back, sleeping. Karl has a surprised face, then it softens.

"Did she try to go to the Nether for supplies again?" He asks. Sapnap only nods, making Karl sigh. "Alright, give her here." He says. Sapnap hands over Athena and the two give their goodbyes.

Sapnap heads back home to get some rest for the war tomorrow. He goes up to his room to see Zen still at the windowsill. He smiles a bit, grabs a pretty, glowing blue Wisteria flower, and some paper and a quill. He writes a letter that reads out...

"Hey Athena, no matter what happens, if you want, we could be friends. You're a good listener, and I appreciate that about you. Hope this war won't make you think any different of me, as a friend."

He signs his name, ties the Wisteria with the scroll, and hands it to Zen for him to deliver.

So yeah, that's how she got it. And she thinks she could be friends with the "Anarchic Flame Boy," from what she heard by Tommy that's his nickname.

"All right all right, here's the situation." Tommy starts. "The Dream boys, they're already on the roof, they've already killed me and Tubbo once. They- you know- they feel like they've got their power. Their egos are up, they've already killed us. Tubbo and Athena spent 12 hours brewing potions, mostly Athena." Tommy finishes then Tubbo steps in.

"Yeah, and we kinda lost them all."

"WHY?!" Athena shouts and hits her head on a wall.

"I- I don't know man. What- I mean- What do you think we have to do now?" Tommy asks.

"Ultimately, you're the leader here. You're cool." Athena jumps in, fully composed from the mental breakdown.

"I think." Wilbur starts then walks to the back for a second. "The element of surprise is needed. We can't go in just guns blazing." Wilbur then steps out from the back and approaches Fundy. "Oh by the way, my son, how are you?" He asks.

The only sound that was heard for that moment was Athena's deep snicker, until Fundy replied. "I'm- It could've been better."

"Okay." Wilbur states, then approaches a framed book. The Declaration of Independance. "Before we start our battle..."

"Words over everyone! Weapons away!" Tommy instructs as everyone's attention is at Wilbur now.

"Gents... and Lady. May I read you, The Declaration of Independance." Wilbur says. Everyone lets out a small laugh as he opens the book. "Forever, the nation of the DreamSMP have cast great sins upon our great land of the Hto Van. They have robbed us, imprisoned us, threatened us, killed many of our men." Wilbur starts, then continues. "This time of tyranny ends with us. This book declares that the nation which shall be, henceforth, known as L'Manburg is separate. Emancipated. And independent from the nation of the DreamSMP. The union of the maters of men. Good line Tubbo. Together, we are one. That was good too."

War and TormentOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz