San loved the bouquet too. It was the same each year, but he would probably never get enough of it. It was made of the flowers they had gifted to each other three years ago on this same porch, that time Wooyoung had stopped talking to San for a month, right before things became messy.

The messy part was behind them though, and only the good memories remained.

"Should we go now ?"

Wooyoung nodded, opening his eyes again.

"Let me put this inside, I'll be right back."

Twenty minutes of a car ride and a small walk later, they were sitting in the middle of their favorite clearing, under an oak tree. Wooyoung had prepared a feast for them and they took their time eating, watching the sun slowly disappearing under the horizon.

"How was work today ?" San asked once the sky was too dark for him to see what he was eating, and Wooyoung had to summon his usual purple lights.

They were cute. Smaller than they were in the past, because Wooyoung had watched a two hours documentary about bugs and had suddenly been obsessed. Now they looked like lightning bugs floating around them, except they were purple, and they weren't bugs.

"Great actually," Wooyoung answered, sipping on his herbal tea. "My onion tart is selling like hotcakes."

"I told you it would work well. Your cheese puff pastry is to die for too."

"Hmm. I'll probably go with the zucchini pie next."

San grimaced, and Wooyoung snorted by his side. He took a carrot and forced it into San's mouth, ignoring his pained expression when San tried to chew.

"Vegetables, San. You should try it more often."

To San's relief, there were no clouds tonight, and the sky was shining with thousands of stars. He had brought Wooyoung here to stargaze, knowing how much the younger loved looking at the sky at night.

It was also a full moon.

San was lying on the blanket they had spread on the grass, Wooyoung sprawled on him, head on his chest. Their shirts had flown somewhere after an intense makeout session and even though the breeze was a bit too chilly for them to stay half-naked, neither of them seemed to mind. They could find warmth in each other.

The moon was shining brightly above them, so much that Wooyoung's lights were starting to be useless, if not for the aesthetic. It allowed San to gaze at Wooyoung's skin, at the beautiful lines painting his back.

The blue veins had burnt his skin that night, leaving their mark behind before disappearing forever.

Wooyoung had hated looking at his scars for a long time. He loved them now, though, and San loved them too. They were drawings painted by the moon. Not everyone could say they had been the moon's personal canvas. People didn't need to know how it had happened. They didn't need to know if it was a real story, or that it had been painful.

In the end, they made Wooyoung who he was today.

A strong human being, a powerful witch, an amazing friend. A wonderful fiancé.

"What are you thinking about ?" San murmured, trailing his fingers along the marks swirling around Wooyoung's shoulder.

"You," Wooyoung answered, just as quiet.

"Me ?"

"Mmh. About how amazing you are, and how lucky I am to have you."

He straightened, putting his forearms on each side of San's head and locking their gaze together.

"You saved my life several times. You introduced me to your friends, and now they are my family too. You taught me to hope. To be brave."

"I'm not... I'm not brave."

"Yes, you are." Wooyoung leaned down to press a kiss on San's cheek. "I know you still think you're a coward or whatever bullshit this voice inside is telling you, but in my eyes, you're the bravest person I know."

San scrunched his nose, ready to retort, but Wooyoung caught his lips right before he could talk. He kissed him for a long moment, languidly, because they had all the time they wanted tonight.

When they pulled away, Wooyoung stayed close, letting their lips brush.

"You know Sannie, it's okay to take the easy path sometimes. You don't have to jump into situations that scare you to be brave. You don't need to set yourself high standards or dream big. It works that way for some, it does work that way for me, but we're all different. You became who you are today because you worked with what you had, not with what you wanted, and that's fine too. As long as you are happy. As long as you can make the people you love happy. Who cares about the rest ?"

He kissed him again, softer this time.

"You're brave in your own way, and that's okay. You're strong where it counts, and that's all that matters. Remember Sannie. You're my hero."

He smiled against San's lips, and San's heart melted.

He didn't know what he had done to deserve Wooyoung. He didn't think he would ever understand what Wooyoung had found in him, what pushed him to stay. But now he was there, and he was smiling down at San, and his ring was shining under the moonlight...

"Marry me."

Wooyoung chuckled, rubbing his nose with San's.

"I already said yes."

"But I really want to marry you."

"I do too Sannie..."

Their lips met again, their heart beating in unison against each other's chest...

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I don't think that's possible."

"Ha, kiss me and we'll see."

And when Wooyoung fell asleep on his chest, San's fingers in his hair, San opened his eyes to look at the moon, at her blue light shining everywhere, illuminating the clearing, falling upon Wooyoung's beautiful skin.

He couldn't tell how, he couldn't tell why. But he knew she was there now, watching over them, keeping them safe. Saying sorry.

So San smiled, closing his eyes and bringing Wooyoung closer, because he knew he was safe there, and he would always be, under the light of the moon.

Can you feel the moon || WoosanWhere stories live. Discover now