Chapter 21

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"She's waking up" a male voice says.

"How do you feel, sweetheart?" my mother says next to me.

"My head hurts. And my throat" I say. "Can I have some water, please?"

"Here you go" my mother says as she hands me a cup and helps me drink.

"What happened?" I'm in my room, in my bed, and a man I don't recognize is standing behind my mother.

"You fainted during the argument with your father and hit yourself on the head with the table as you fell. That's why it hurts" she says.

"It's nothing serious, my lady" the man says. "But I would like to check on you again now that you are awake." He must be the new doctor. I remember that before I left, the one who had taken care of me since I was a kid was about to retire. "If I may" he says as he comes to the bed.

"Where is Declan?" I ask when the doctor has finished.


"With father? Alone?" I say as I try to get up, my head pounding.

"They are fine, don't worry. You now need to rest" she says as she helps me lay down again.

"But before we let you rest" the doctor says, "there is something we need to discuss."

I look at him, confused. He is too serious, and so is my mother. "Is there something wrong with me?"

"Oh, not at all, my lady. But tell me. When was the last time you bled?"

That question takes me completely out of guard.

"I... I can't remember."

"You can't?" my mother asks.

"We've been traveling so much since the wedding that I haven't been paying attention." Wait. The wedding. Lady Rice asked me about this just before the wedding, she wanted to know if I was... "Am I with child?"

"It looks like it, my dear" my mother says with a smile. "Lady Rice told me that you've been having morning sickness for a while."

"She knows too?"

"She's the one who noticed it first when you arrived, especially after what Declan said. And she came to tell me."

I can't believe they noticed before I did. That I confused all the symptoms with being too nervous.

"Have you felt anything else, my lady? Anything different?" the doctor asks.

"I've been tired and very sleepy, but I thought that all had to do with the traveling."

"It could be, but I'm afraid that's another sign of your condition" he says. "We'll let you rest now. But I would like to check you again tomorrow."

"Of course."

"Rest, my dear" my mother says as she gives me a kiss on the forehead before leaving.


"Good morning, sunshine" Declan says when I wake up. I feel numb, I don't know for how long I've been sleeping.

"What time is it?"

"Morning again."

"I've been sleeping for that long?"

"You have, little poppy. How is your head feeling?" he says while gently running a hand through my hair.

"It stings a bit."

"You scared me to death when you fell. There was so much blood..."

"The doctor said it was nothing. I'm fine" I say, holding his hand and trying to comfort him.

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