Chapter 9

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"Are you wearing that?" Elena asks.

"I am, yes. Why?" I say, looking down at my dress. We are in my room, getting ready to attend the festivities that are going on in town.

"Because we are going out to a party, to meet people, dance, have fun. And you look like my abuela. What if the man of your dreams is out there today and he ignores you because you look like that?" she says.

I just sigh, letting her pick my clothes for me. Arguing with her is pointless.


When we arrive in town and meet with our friends, it is packed with people, stands selling food, clothes, jewels and everything you can think of everywhere, a band playing on a little stage.

"Look who is coming" Elena says, elbowing me on the ribs. Declan and some of his friends are walking towards where we are sitting, and I can't help but feel my face blushing.

"Ladies" he says. "Would you mind if we seat next to you?"

"Of course not!" Elena says, moving from next to me so Declan can sit on her place.

"You look beautiful today" he says to my ear.

"Thank you" I reply, my face feeling warmer. "Though it's all thanks to Elena. I apparently had chosen to wear something from my grandmother's wardrobe."

"I'll remember to thank her, then" he says with a smile. We stay sitting together and talking almost in whispers for a while, and it feels so different to what our conversations usually are. There is no bickering, no insults or sarcasms.

"Oh, I love this song so much! Let's go dance" Elena says as she grabs the hand of one of Declan's friends. Everyone else from both our groups of friends follow them, and only Declan and I remain sitting.

"Should we join them?" he asks.

"And have the whole town seeing us dancing together?"

"Right now they are seeing us talking, alone, and very close" he points out. "I don't know which option is better."

He's right. Whatever we do, someone could see us together, which means they could tell my father, putting our heads in danger.

"Let's go somewhere else."

"Where?" I ask.

"Just follow me" he says with that cheeky smile he always gives me.

We leave the party and move towards the woods, hiding behind some trees, close enough to still hear the music. "My lady" Declan says with a bow, offering me his hand.

"My lord" I reply, mimicquin his bow. We smile at each other and start dancing, only stopping to laugh or share a kiss.

We are lost in one of those kisses when we hear a very loud thunder somewhere.

"Looks like a storm is coming" I say. "Do you think it'll rain?" Before Declan can say anything, I feel a drop on my nose.

"There is your answer" he says, kissing me where the drop had fallen. "Come, I know where we can go until it passes. It probably is just a summer storm."


"What is this place?" I ask as we walk into the little cottage. We were half way here when it started pouring with rain, the thunders so loud that we couldn't hear ourselves talking.

"It used to belong to the gardener who took care of our house. After we left, he abandoned it, but when I came back I decided to fix it" he says while starting a fire. I find myself getting a bit chilly, my wet clothes sticking to my skin.

"And what was the idea behind this renovation?" I ask. "Bringing here your inexistent conquests?" After all the cute moments we've had today, it feels good to tease him for a bit.

"I've managed to bring one, haven't I?" he says with a smirk. The fire is already going, and he is standing in front of me.

"I am not your conquest, Deccy" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You are right" he says, a hand going through his wet hair. By now he must know how much I like seeing him do it, the effect it has on me. Because lets be honest. It is not normal for someone to touch his hair that often. "You are more than that" he says as he gets closer. "You are the most annoying and most stubborn woman I've ever met. The one that drives me completely crazy. The one I can't stop thinking about."

He starts kissing me before I can say anything, and I let myself go, my hands around his neck, the fire cracking next to us.

"We should probably get out of these wet clothes" he says as he pulls away from me to take of his jacket and his shirt. I can't stop staring as his bare chest, at his arms. And he knows it. When I look back at his face, he's smiling. "Do you need any help with yours?" he asks.

"I think I might" I say in a whisper. He comes closer again, one hand on my waist, the other on my shoulder. He stars pulling my dress down from there, leaving kisses where the fabric was. Then he moves to the other shoulder, doing the same, my skin burning. As he starts kissing me again, one of his hands moves to my back, slowly undoing the laces the dress has there. When he's done, he starts to pull it down, making it fall to the floor. And there I am, in a cottage in the woods, in my undergarments, and in front of the man who has made me go from wanting to punch him every time that he opens his mouth, to want to kiss him and be on his arms every time he is around.

He pulls me closer again, kissing my neck, my collarbones, my lips. My hands go to his shoulders, his arms, his chest... And his butt. I've been dying to give it a little squeeze, but the trousers he is wearing aren't helping.

"You still are wearing wet clothes" I say as my fingers follow the hem of his trousers all the way to the front, his body tensing as I undo the laces. I stop there and look at him. His eyes are fixed on me, and they are same eyes he had in my dog dreams, those that make my whole body shudder in a way I've never felt before. Without thinking, I slid my hand into his trousers, touching him. He lets out a little grunt and closes his eyes, his mouth just a little bit open, enough to make me want to bite his lower lip like that day in the woods. But I choose to touch him again, making something that should be name leave his mouth. He pulls me closer, his forehead resting on mine. "I want you" he says in a whisper. "I want you so bad."

"So do I" I find myself saying. His hands are on my face, lifting it to make me look him in the eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asks.


Next thing I know, we are lying on the little cot, our remaining clothes on the floor. He's kissing and touching me everywhere, just like on my dreams. But this is better. This is real.

"We can stop whenever you want" he says while leaving small kisses on my chest.

"I don't want you to stop" I say. "I want it all."


A crack of the fire wakes me up. Kind of. Even though I don't open my eyes, I can feel It's dark outside. The rain is still going, but the worst part of the storm has passed. Declan is lying next to me, his chest on my back, his arm around me, his breathing on my neck. I feel myself going back to sleep, thinking that I wouldn't mind sleeping like this every night.

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