Plan goes wrong

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Night fall. League of villans were prepared to make their plan comes true. Kurogiri teleported Toga and Dabi on a roof of a building. "Alright. Remember the plan?"-Shigaraki said. "Of course. Who do you think I am? Twice?"-Dabi starts to laugh.

"Hey!"-Twice says with annoyed rection. Toga throw potion on whole building. But something didn't fell right.

"Dabi, I don't feel good"-Toga faints. Dabi turns to Toga and sees her fainted.

Few seconds after, Dabi faints too.
When Dabi woke up nothing felt weird. He got out from his room to join others.

"Good morning Babe."-Dabi said to Toga while passing her. Shigaraki spilled whole drink over Twice.

"Ohoho, I didn't know you two are dating."-Twice said.

"Well actually, Toga."-Dabi said with a smirk on his face.

"Yes Dabi?"-Toga turns to Dabi.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"-Dabi kneel and grabs Toga's hand. "YES!!!"-Toga yells how happy she was.

"Wait a second. What?! When did this all happen?"-Shigaraki asked confused. "Wait. You didn't smell the potion yesterday, did you?"-Shigaraki was worried.

"Uhh, yes we did. Why?"-Toga answered confused.

"Darn it. I forgot to say potion in the bottle it's not the actual potion. It's a quirk stuck in a bottle."-Shigaraki hits himself in head.

"Ok, and what's wrong with that?"-Kurogiri asked confused.

"If you smell that quirk you will fell in love with each other."-Shigaraki was worried.

"Wait, WHAT?!"-Dabi and Toga screamed  at the same time.

"Well, I think I know how to fix this, but you will not like it"-Twice said nervous.

"What? Say it? I will do anything just to not love him."-Toga was stubborn.

"To ask Ereaserhead to erease the quirk."-Twice backs up few steps.

"That is actually not bad idea Twice. But we will need to think of a plan how to ask him for help. He will not help us that easy."-Shigaraki agreed.

League of villains started to think of a plan how to ask Ereaserhead for help.

Quirk Brouth Us Together (DabixToga)Where stories live. Discover now