I laughed softly as he squeezed my hand before walking away to the kitchen. Did he kiss my hand like that to say goodbye/excuse me? Or because he was happy for me? I don't know, it was very weird. But at the same time incredibly sweet. Like 'hey, I adore you and wanna keep talking but I'm needed else where, here's a kiss, hold onto that.' It reminded me of my parents. That's how they were when they were together. The problem was 75% of the time that's all they were doing, taking calls and such and walking away. They never finished conversations. Not that I was aware of. The rest of their marriage involved my father traveling for work months at a time and my mother working crazy hours every day, even when he was home.

I loved my parents. But I didn't want to make the same mistakes they did. I wanted to be in a relationship with someone who put me first, and never bored of me. That's why this time and space away from Klaus was crucial. I loved him. But, I had to be sure he was the one for me. Yes, couples fight. Yes, they may take time apart. He and I though, for our short time together, have been through a hell of a lot. And I wasn't sure I had it in me to keep going through this vampire lifestyle. Especially if the vampire I chose was someone I couldn't trust. He's proven he can't be trusted time and time again. He's always scheming, he's always hiding things, and he makes choices for the both of us. I don't want a dictatorship. I want a stable relationship. And we don't have that. I had thought the last year, since I came back from Spain, that we had made it to a healthy place. We weren't fighting as much, we had each other's backs. It got ugly about Cami and I asked him to stop seeing her, then with the Dahlia mess, it resulted in us playing house with Hope. I thought we were at our happiest, our best. That we could have a good, simple, semi-normal life. But that was a façade. He was doing what he wanted and keeping the peace by lying to my face. Every. Single. Day. And I couldn't take any more lies, anymore secrets, anymore scandals or cheating. This thing with Aurora and Tristan would be the last thing I put up with. I couldn't keep living this way. Our current relationship status was: fake dating other people. It was sick. Our whole toxic relationship was sick. I wanted normal, I wanted loyalty and honesty, I wanted stable and commuted. And I wanted it now. One last fresh start. Forever or finality.

Tristan came back in the room with two steaming plates of spaghetti. I smiled weakly as he placed it in front of me. Back to the present Danielle. No time to dwell on your failing relationship. "Looks so good," I commented.

"Well, dig in and tell me how it tastes," Tristan replied, taking his seat.

I grabbed the gold fork on the table, going for my first bite while a servant came and poured us glasses of wine and separate glasses of ice water from a pitcher. This was really nice. Not the whole extravagant part but the fact a man was making me dinner. He was wooing me. I didn't care that it was Tristan and not Klaus. All I cared about was that I was being treated like a queen.


Sunday, November 11th
1:11 PM

I gasped as we pulled up out front of the next home. A chuckle came from my left, Jackson. "Is this it?" he asked me.

"Yes. This is the doorway to front yard for privacy I guess. Don't you like all the trees covering the entry way? I like it a lot," I said, grinning as I stepped out of his pick up truck. Today it was just him and I. Marcel was busy but I've been sending him pictures all weekend. Hayley was stuck at home with Hope, Freya babysat yesterday but she didn't have time to do so today. So instead of it being the three of us: Hayley, Jackson, and I. It was just the two of us. I told him he didn't have to come but he said he didn't mind, and he didn't want me to do it alone especially because I was so anxious.

"You've liked all five houses we've seen so far," he retorted, giving me a playful smile.

"I'm just excited about getting my own house," I laughed, waiting for him and the realtor at the chevron brick walkway down to the quaint wooden door entrance. She waved us over as she unlocked it, pushing it open to reveal the whole house. The walkway continued with the brick down to a large brown wooden door with eight big square window panes in the middle, framed by the rest of the door. It seemed to be dark wood, but in some place you could see it was lightening from old age. Surrounding the front door was thick columns on either side, which held up a white brick awning above the front door. And the whole rest of the two floor brick house covered in ivy. It was so beautiful, romantic really.

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now