"That's good..lets head back to work then so we can eat afterwards!"

Time passed and soon the two finished whatever they needed to do. Both of them gathered their belongings and greeted each other in front of the entrance of the elevator.

Chaewon pressed the button going down and soon the doors opened. The two entered inside and let a comfortable silence enter as the doors closed.

"So..about the place you know.." Chaewon spoke as she interrupted the silence.

"Hm? Oh..I was just kidding about that.."

"Huh?.." Chaewon looked at him dumbfounded as he smiled awkwardly.

"Must have been the spur of the moment and I said it that way but if you don't mind we can both look for a place to eat.." (YN) rubbed the back of his head with an apologetic smile.

"I guess that will work too then.." Chaewon replied tapping the floor to the bottom floor.

"I'm not a picky eater so once we're out there, pick any place you fancy.." (YN) informed as the doors closed.

"I'm not too much of a picky eater myself as long as the atmosphere is nice and as long I'm with you..." Chaewon replied.

"Hm?..as long as you're with me?" Now it was (YN)'s turn to stare at her dumbfounded.

Chaewon immediately caught up with her slip up of words and blushed at her mistake.

"W-what I mean is th-that as long as I'm with you or a-anybody else I'm comfortable with!" She retorted but the choice of her words wasn't helping her out.

"You're comfortable with me?.."
Chaewon didn't try to reiterate herself since might worsen the situation she put herself in so she just nodded her head at him.

At this point, Chaewon wanted to disappear from the elevator and appear again in her home then probably squeal and shout into a pillow but she couldn't do any of that. So she did the next best thing, hide her face and pretend that nothing happened.

"Thanks for that..I'm quite comfortable with you too.." (YN) replied with a smile.

"We might not talk a lot in the office or outside of it but whenever we do talk to each other, it'd like we've been friends ever since.." He continued as the girl next to him hid her blushing face in her hands.

"I-i guess that's what years of being co-workers will do to you.." Chaewon muttered back.

It's true that the two rarely interacted with each other despite the years of working with each other. One was busy with their ice cold boss and the other was busy with their own work so the only time they talked was when (YN) was included in their group somehow may it be a group dinner or something else.


The elevator doors soon opened and Chaewon was the first person to walk out of it still with her head on her hands.

(YN) followed and soon found themselves outside the building.


The two now found themselves sat inside a small noodle shop. They faced each other and waited for their food to arrive. Chaewon wasn't a blushing mess anymore so she could face the man in front of her without having to hide.

"May I ask you a question, (YN)?"

Chaewon asked. He was looking around the shop and put his attention back on her.

"What is it?"

"You said you'll quit right?"

(YN) nodded at her.

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