"Reyna asked Jason to the dance. And he said yes" WHAT!!! Is what I wanted to scream but I had a feeling that that wouldn't help very much. Thalia is also gonna be crushed. I'll call her later. Now probably isn't the best time to ask her for help. "I'm so sorry, Pipes." She stayed silent. "Hey, how about we go shopping and get you a new date. Any guy would be happy to date you. I'm sure of it"

"Y-ye-yeah? You think so?" I scoffed. "I know so. Let's go!" She got cleaned up and we went. I would tell her about my problem later. We bought a lot of useless stuff and made a list of potential guys.

I'm just gonna propose the idea to Percy. What's the worst thing that could happen?

I slept over at Piper's house. She didn't want to go to school when we woke up but I convinced her. We bought a shit ton of new clothes for her. She did her makeup really well and put on some of her new clothes. She always looks good. But she looked amazing today. Jason is gonna swoon. She's probably gonna get a bunch of numbers from guys. Which of course isn't the most important thing but it made her feel better.

Thalia wasn't at school today. She said she was sick but I knew that wasn't true. I mean, imagine liking a girl who could possibly be gay but you're not sure. Yet you think they like you and you like them. They then proceed to ask out your little brother and now they are dating YOUR LITTLE BROTHER!! Talk about painful. How could Jason do this to both Piper and his sister!?!? I glared at him for the rest of the day. How could he?!?!? At lunch Piper was asked out by this boy Ethan Nakamura. He's also on the football team. Percy seems to like him fine so Piper said yes. The look on Jason's face was priceless. I wish I took a picture.

Percy skipped a lot of his classes today and left lunch early, so it was kind of hard to approach him. Finally, after school i found him at his locker. Making out with a girl of course. I wasn't really sure how to get his attention. He was way too busy eating her face. Gross. The fact that he is in a relationship, dating, or just making out with a girl kind of throws a wrench in my plans but we'll see, I guess.

I cleared my throat multiple times but that had no affect. I tried tapping him on the shoulder but he was moving around to much. Finally after a while of my failed attempts the girl rolls her eyes and sighs "OMG, LIKE, WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!" Her accent was a very thick Californian one. She had makeup caked on her face and smeared lip stick. She was part of Drew's click. Which automatically made me hate her. I addressed Percy instead "Can I talk to you." He sighed and glanced at me. He then turned back to the girl "I'll see you later." She nodded and walked away.

He had dark circles under his eyes and looked like the life had been drained out of him. Yet he still looked kinda good. Screw him. How do some people do that. "What do you want?" He asked. "I.. well... I was wondering... no.... I... shit.... ok. You know Luke?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

"Well he and I used to date. Then he moved away and I thought I'd never see him again. That we were ancient history. But he keeps harassing me and I can't get him to stop."

"Well, I'm sorry about all of that but what does that have to do with me?"

"Well... you see.... I...you... you are the only one he listens too."

"So you want me to talk to him."

"You see, I thought about that but that wouldn't work. He would just go back to doing it. Have you ever read or seen the movie To All The Boys I've Loved Before?


"Have you ever read or seen any other movies with the fake dating trope?"


"Well the trope is pretty self explanatory. It's basically jus-"

"So you want to pretend date me?"

"Kinda," I scratched the back of my neck "it won't be real though. Since it's already January and we finish school in June it won't have to be for long. I also heard that Luke is moving and might have to leave in early May in preparation for college and to practice since he got a scholarship to UCLA."

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