Then why can't he understand your wish to be a sultana? (queen)

All the princes either want to marry you because of your beauty or because of the rich kingdom that they'll get. Or both.

You know that this kingdom will ruined if it gets into the hands of those arrogant and stupid princes. They do not know the importance of it for all the people, for you.

For them, Agrabah is simply a method to seize large amounts of money in the form of taxes and become even more rich.

Also the fact that you don't want to marry someone you do not know.

It's about your whole life...

You want to spend it with someone who will care for you, laugh for you and cry for you.

Someone who will love you.

Someone who's your soulmate.

Unconsciously tears started flowing from your eyes at the thought that you will never receive a chance to find your soulmate. Why? Because it's forbidden for princesses to leave the palace, unless they're in a big carriage with more than twenty guards surrounding it. How is it possible to meet your soulmate?

Suddenly, you felt two hands on your face, slowly wiping the tears that came out. You raised your head to see your father's face in front of you. You were so caught up in your own thoughts that you did not notice him silently entering the chamber.

"My daughter..." he said and wrapped his arms around you, embracing you in a warm hug.

"Father... I-" you tried to speak and wipe your tears but he stopped you.

"No, my daughter... Never in my life I've ever wanted you to cry, but when you finally did, the reason for it is me..."

"No, no! It's not like that, I just-"

"I always think about you being a Sultana (queen). But... You're a princess... And it is the rule that when a kingdom has no son, the husband of the princess will become the ruler. On top of that, you're my precious daughter... What if you get hurt...?"

"Father, you raised me to be a warrior, and a warrior is not afraid of wounds."

"I'm not talking about physical wounds, my child... Never in history has a woman become a ruler. People are bound to criticize and oppose you. They'll disobey your rules and try their best to make you step down the throne..."

"I'll prove it to them father, I'll show them that a woman is just as capable as a man. After all, a man given birth by a woman. No matter how much they'll criticize, all my actions will be for their welfare. I'll be strong and I'll thrive," you said raising your head and looked at him with confidence.

Your father smiled.

"You have cleared you first test..." he said making you look him with a confused expression.

"This was my first test to you. A ruler must be brave and just to his people."

You smiled as well, and soon asked, "You said that this was my first test. Does that mean there are more tests?"

"Yes. One more test, which will tell if you are capable to be a Sultana or not."

"Which is?"

"Find out everything about that thief - their identity, their life stories, their families and most importantly, the reason they rob. You will get a time of three months. Collect all the information, and then at the last day of the third month, bring him to the palace. I'm giving this case to you. During those three months, you are allowed to go in and out of the palace, as you wish. But only on some conditions."

"What?" you asked, you were listening attentively to him, but the last part left you in doubt. What conditions can he possibly give?

"First of all, you will not get any assistance. No one is allowed to help you - no ministers and no servants, just one guard who will only be present for your safety. You want to be a ruler, you say? Then you must be diplomatic and brave.
As for the second condition, no one shall know that you are a princess. You will strictly keep your identity a secret.
Also, whenever you go out, a guard will follow you always. I'll send one to you soon.
Oh, and this... opportunity does not exempt you from carrying out your princess duties. You must take care to balance both. Do you accept these conditions?"

You thought it all over.
Father posed four conditions, and the last one happened to be the most difficult one. As a princess, you were expected to tactfully uphold the dignity and superiority of the royal family by organising social events. Events like these were important as they enhanced the royal reputation, and allowed the other members of nobility to interact with eachother. And as much as you disliked the fake pleasantries exchanged in these occasions, it was necessary in it's own way.

But... How were you supposed to juggle these things along with that task? Needless to say, you'll have to be going out for the investigation, which might take a bit time since secresy has to be maintained too. If that would happen, then how will you have the energy and time for organising events? This definitely put you in a difficult situation...

But will it be enough to stop you?

Of course, not.

"Yes, Father. I agree to follow all your conditions." You said with your head held high. You did not ponder too much. You'll find a way... Just like you always do.

'I can do it.' you told yourself.



Well, if you don't know me, I'm Rose (not the blackpink Rosé, my mother named me after watching Titanic😭)


This was the first chapter, and I hope you liked it. The name of the female lead, out princess, is Yasmin. However you can imagine it as you like!

And also, let me know if it seemed as if my writing felt fast/rushed.

If you have any doubts or questions, write them in the comments and I'll try to answer them.

If you find that the Urdu words used are wrong, let me know.

Ok, i'mma shut up and go now-


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