Chap 2 - Prepare for a War!!!...

Start from the beginning

The Commander of the Fleet walk over the port with his men on his side

Midori: "What a magnificent sight, right?"

Sailor#54: "That's right, sir."

Midori: "Thanks to the Allies and Axis, our navy has grown up like this!... If our Dreadnought has complete, she will be placed on the Second Fleet! Hahahahahaha!!"

Midori Ryuta, he was an former Captain of a ship on the 2nd Fleet, but after modernization of Qua0-Toyne, he promoted into the Commander of the Fleet.

All of his men only Sweetdropped with Midori acts, so far the 2nd Fleet now is the strongest fleet that Qua-Toyne has. The other fleet still on their former post, but they will waiting the next command of the Admiral.

Qua-Toyne Principality, Capital City of Qua-Toyne
Lotus Garden

On the Capital City of Qua-Toyne, Lotus Garden. As usual, a meetings between officials were ongoing. The officials now using some tuxedo but some still maintain their traditional suits with Japanese ornament attachment. Kanata still maintain his traditional suit, but with some medallions on his left chest.

Official#5: "The First and Second Fleet just arrive to Maihark after their five month of training on the sea with the Allies and Axis warships."

Kanata: "That's good. How about the trade between Allies and Axis nations with us?"

Official#9: "The trade between Allies and Axis with us was a great trade! We exported them our best food resources and some raw resources to them, Qualia exported them the new fresh oils and some valuable metals that they found on the mines on Qualia. As their import, they gives us some of their weapons and some resources too, alongside with new steel for us to built our own armored vehicle, aircrafts, and our Destroyers, Light Cruisers, and our first Dreadnoughts.."

Kanata: "That's a good news! As we keep our relationships with us, we maybe super pass the Civilizations nations!"

Official#1: "Prime Minister. We just get a massage from the trade center on Maihark, another US Cargo Ship just arrive and giving us some of their drinks called 'Coca-Colas'."

Official#2: "We too have German Cargo Ship, their cargo were filled with 'beers', a local German drinks."

Kanata: "So, they began to exporting their drinks? That's great! Soon the bars will grow into big bar!... By the way, any news from our southern neighbor??? Since we've establish our own agency, and capture or killed their spies. I really curious what will they do now."

But unknown for the Qua-Toyne and Qualia, the Laurians began the mobilization now. But even the Laurians began their mobilizations armies, Qua-Toyne and Qualia stood above them...

Kingdom of Lauria, Kingdom of Rowlia, Capital City of Jin-Hark
Hark Castle

Kingdom of Rowlia, the kingdom filled with arrogance and discriminations towards the demi-humans. Rowlia expand their territories with war or demands with force, making them to form the Kingdom of Lauria.

King of Lauria, King Hark Lauria XXXIV, is sitting on his throne. With his trusted general in front of him.

Since the disappearance of Lauria spies that sent to Qua-Toyne and Qualia, and the appearance of the 7th nations, or reported 8th nations. The king now in path of big concern.

Patagen: "Your Majesty. All of our preparations has complete, our armies now began to mobilize to the borders.."

General Patagen Sornahem, the Notorious General and the most trusted General of the King. He has winning many war and battle with their former neighborhood kingdoms. But now, he taking the Command of Invasion Forces, personally pointed by King Hark Lauria XXXIV.

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