Chapter 3

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Jared and Kim stared into each other eyes, as if no one else was around. I knew they would hit it off, but dang that was fast. Although, that gaze was familiar. Much like Sam's and mine, when we first met. Peculiar. I looked over at Sam and Paul, but both were smirking at the events taking place, obviously knowing something I didn't, which rubbed me the wrong way. I hate being the last to know!
I was aggravated because I desperately wanted to be in the loop, but everyone was too preoccupied to answer my questions. Thus, I walked past all of them and decided to get breakfast started. I'd rather be productive, than waste time trying to get answers that weren't going to be given easily. Eventually, Kim walked in with a mesmerized Jared tagging along. She finally was able to talk to him, making her happier than I have ever seen her. All my frustration dispersed when I saw a large smile plastered on her bronze face. I glanced at Jared to see the same smile on his own face. My babies are all grown up, I feel like a proud mom, even if they are only two years younger.
Kim was about to help me cook breakfast, when Jared motioned for her to follow him outside. He obviously wanted some alone time with her now that he knows she exists. The thought of them eventually dating had me smiling like a giddy fool. "What's got you all smiley?" Sam asked as he leaned against the counter. "Oh just the thought of my best friend finally dating the one guy she has had eyes for. I'm honestly so happy for her. I hope to find someone one day that makes me smile like that." I pointed to Jared and Kim talking outside the window, sitting on a fallen tree. He put his hand on top of mine, shifting my gaze to the welcomed touch. "You will, I will make sure of it." I couldn't help the smirk that appeared on my face as I looked between our hands and his eyes that bore into my soul. I cleared my throat, taking my hand back to finish making breakfast. After breakfast, I took a giddy Jared and Kim to school, along with a jealous Paul. He wasn't used to Jared being more interested in someone else. Paul was going to have to become accustomed to this new change.
The bell rang, signaling it was time to head to class. I sat next to Embry smiling from the mornings events. "You look awfully happy this morning." He gave me an inquisitive look, waiting for an explanation. I sighed, relaying all that happened with Jared, Kim, and Sam. He was usually excited for me, but this time he seemed aggravated. "You and Kim should stay away from Sam and his cult. They are dangerous Piper. You could get hurt! I don't know what I would do if any of them laid a hand on you!" He was beginning to raise his voice, shaking from anger. I put my hand on his, which seemed to calm him down a bit. "Embry you don't have to worry about me or Kim. We will be fine, Sam and his 'supposed' cult are good people. Those rumors are just rumors. I mean Sam is sweet, thoughtful, responsible-" He cut me off, "If I didn't know any better, I would say you like Sam!" He slammed his hand onto the desk, yelling, "I can't believe you are defending him! I can't believe you like him! I'm not even sure who you are anymore! Just stay away from me, I can't handle this. I mean you are so dense! Why don't you look around for once and see there are people who like you that won't hurt you. Don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart!" Embry ran out of class, causing the teacher to stop her lesson in shock. Embry was not one to act out, but lately he has been temperamental. Tears began to well up in my eyes, threatening to escape. I held them back until the end of the class period. I ran as fast as I could to my car, driving to the one place I felt safe at.
I ran inside, hoping to find him, but he was nowhere to be found. I couldn't hold back any longer. Falling to my knees, I cried my heart out, letting it all go. As the tears spilled, I heard footsteps approach my limp figure. Strong arms wrapped me up into a bear hug, holding me close to his bare chest. I looked up to see Sam's worried eyes meet mine. "What happened?" He whispered, trying to keep me calm. "H-He h-hates me. H-he said he wants nothing t-to do with me." I stuttered. "Who wants nothing to do with you?" I gulped, having trouble saying his name, "Em-Embry. My best friend hates me because I trust you guys and hang out here. I lost him!" I cried harder into his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck. He picked me up bridal style, careful not to move my face from his chest, placing me on the couch. "It's all going to be ok. He just doesn't understand yet. He will understand one day." I had no idea why he would understand, but I found odd relief from those words. I hoped my best friend would come back to me. "Besides you have us, you have me." He sounded hurt that I wasn't thinking about him. "I know and I'm so happy that I've gotten to know you. It's just he was the first person to accept me as a part of the tribe. Most people don't associate with me because of my pale demeanor. He never cared about my skin color, he only cared about me. He was my first friend and now he is gone." I sniffled, unable to cry any longer. Sam pulled me into an even tighter hug, causing me to relax in his arms. "Well people are stupid. You are beautiful, I find your skin as gorgeous as snow. Embry isn't the only one to look past racial differences." I smiled, does he really think I'm beautiful? Most Quilette people are afraid of pale faced people living among them, but everyone knew my father is of Quilette descent. They want our tribal heritage to stay a secret from the outside world. As if he read my thoughts he emphasized, "Besides your dad has Quilette blood, you just happen to resemble your mother. Which I do not have a problem with at all."
     We stayed cuddled together, talking about this and that, waiting for the boys to return from school. Later, we heard fast footsteps approaching the door, which was almost swung off its hinges. Sam was scolding them for almost breaking his house, but Paul was not paying attention. He was frantically searching with his eyes, until they landed on me. "What happened Piper? You never skip school. Do I need to beat someone up for you, because I will!" I giggled at my overprotective, younger brother. "I was having a bad day, but I'm fine now." He relaxed as did Jared. I smirked at Jared, "I see you have a little crush on my bestie Jared." His cheeks flushed a light shade of pink, "I don't know what you are talking about." Paul chuckled, "She ain't stupid, it is sooooo obvious." "Shut up Paul." With that Paul tackled Jared, wrestling around on the floor. "Go outside if you are going to wrestle! I'm not fixing the floors again." I laughed at their silliness, but was definitely confused about what happened last time they wrestled on the floor. I'd have to ask about that another time.
While the boys wrestled outside, I proceeded to cook dinner. I had bought some ingredients to make tortilla soup, one of my personal favorites. The boys devoured the soup, leaving absolutely no leftovers. They still seemed hungry, so I promised to make brownies while they fulfilled their duties. The boys happily left, knowing they would come back to delicious chocolate brownies. As I made the batter, Sam and I continued to get to know each other. "Let's play twenty questions," I suggested. "Ok, you start." "What's your favorite food?" "Anything you make," he replied with a wink. I playfully slapped his arm, "Seriously Sam, it would be nice to know what to cook for you boys." He grinned, "Well I'm not very picky, but I've always enjoyed a good lasagna." "That's easy enough. Maybe I'll make it tomorrow, after I head to the grocery store." "I'm coming with you to the store to help you pay for food." I playfully scoffed, "You don't think I can handle the bill? I'm offended." He rolled his eyes, "I never said that, I just want to pay since we eat most of the food." I relented, "Fair enough. Okay it's your turn." Sam looked deep in thought, before caving, "Do you like Embry?" That question took me by complete surprise. I don't know why he would think such a thing, Embry was purely a friend. He was like another brother to me, I mean he was younger than Paul. "I like him as a friend, but nothing more. Why?" He contemplated on how to answer me, "I just don't like the idea of another guy on your mind." Why would he care about me? I'm a plain Jane, with a painful past and present that haunts me daily. He must of seen the confusion etched on my features. "You know because guys are the worst. All they do is mess up and break hearts." I giggled, realizing it wasn't what I thought, he obviously has no feelings for me. "Sam you're a guy. You just dissed yourself!" "Well I am just speaking truth, so stay away from all guys except us, cause we would never hurt you. I'd never allow that." Our conversations continued for longer than usual, making it harder to separate. However, it was almost midnight, meaning going home was dangerous because my father would be wasted. I couldn't wait any longer, the longer I wait, the worse the punishment. After reluctantly saying our goodbyes, I drove home, praying he was passed out on the couch. Pulling into the driveway, I concluded I'm never that lucky.

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