"Later Dawson," Sophie said, an amused smile on her face as Josh quickly ran after Tristan. "What the hell was that?"

"He kissed my cheek," Cassie announced even though Sophie had watched the entire thing happen.

"I saw."

"He's never done that before," She added.

"I hope not," Sophie replied. "That was like a kiss you give to your grandma, not your girlfriend."

"I know," Cassie said, her face scrunching up in distaste. "What does it mean?"

"I don't know," Sophie admitted as the two of them started walking towards the exit.

"Hey," Rory greeted as she joined the two of them. "What's wrong?"

"Josh kissed my cheek," Cassie told her.

"Has the sex gotten boring?" Sophie asked her.

Upon hearing those words Rory immediately froze in her tracks. She reached forward, grabbing Cassie's arms forcing her to stop walking too. "You're having sex with Josh?" She asked her sister.

"No," Cassie answered, before turning to Sophie. "We haven't... done it, yet."

Sophie looked confused. She looked between Rory who looked terrified and Cassie who just looked confused. "What... you haven't... why?"

Cassie looked over at Rory, not knowing if she wanted to have this conversation with her right there. Cassie knew how Rory felt about sex, especially since they were only sixteen. She knew Rory was still a little freaked by the whole concept but Cassie didn't completely share that opinion. But at the same time Cassie never spent that much time thinking about it, she never had someone she wanted to have sex with before. But Josh, he changed that.

"We'll talk about it later, okay?"

"Sure," Sophie said, noticing her housekeeper waiting for her with the car. "I gotta go."

When Sophie ran off that left the twins alone, and even though Cassie wanted to move on from the sex talk Rory wasn't ready yet. She needed to make sure her sister didn't do something stupid.


"I don't want to talk about it," Cassie said as she started walking towards their bus.

"I think we should, and I think you should talk to mom."

The twins always knew they'd talk to Lorelai before they decided to have sex. It was something they decided the second they both had boyfriends. Except Lorelai thought she'd have more time before one of her daughters decided to lose their virginities.

"I'll talk to mom when I'm ready, and I'll talk to you when I'm ready."

"Are you... ready?" Rory asked her.

Cassie thought to herself for a second but she already knew the answer. "No, are you?" She asked, looking over at Rory.

"Not yet."


Cassie was pacing in front of her mother's bedroom. The conversation she had with her sister earlier that day continued rolling through her mind, keeping her from sleeping. All she wanted to do was talk to Lorelai about it, and she knew her mom would be happy to calm her nerves but even the thought of having this conversation would send her into a panic.

She looked at Lorelai's closed bedroom door, debating whether or not she should go inside. Cassie shook her head, deciding that she was crazy and 1am was not the time to have this conversation. But of course the second she turned around to go back to her bedroom Lorelai opened her door.

"Ah!" Lorelai gasped, holding her hand over her heart. "God, what are you doing?"

"I was uh-"

"What time is it?" Lorelai asked her.

"Like 1," Cassie answered, making Lorelai groan in annoyance.

"Go back to bed," Lorelai advised her daughter, putting her hand on Cassie's shoulder to guide her back to bed.

"Yeah, I was just heading there," Cassie said as the two of them reentered her room.

Lorelai smiled to herself, thinking about how she used to do this every night when Cassie was little. When Cassie moved out of Rory's room into the spare room upstairs it came with some unforeseen consequences.

Turns out Cassie hated being alone, she hated laying in the dark knowing there was no one around. It terrified her. So for a week after the move Lorelai would find her youngest daughter laying in her bed, not wanting to be in her own. So every night for a week Lorelai would have to get out of her bed and walk Cassie back to her own room. Just like she was right now.

"Do you need me to tuck you in?" Lorelai asked her.

"I wouldn't mind," Cassie admitted and Lorelai smiled. Cassie climbed into her bed, going under the covers before Lorelai sat down looking down at her.

"What's wrong honey?" Lorelai asked her, seeing the semi concerned look on her daughter's face.

"When did you know you ready to have sex?" Cassie asked, the words falling from her mouth before she could say something else.

"Oh," Lorelai had to force herself to taking a calming breath so she would freak herself or Cassie out. "I didn't know. That's how you and Rory came to be, because I didn't know."

Cassie looked up at her mom in confusion, trying to process what she had told her. "Do you think if you waited then you wouldn't have gotten pregnant?"

"I think a lot of things would've been different if I had waited," Lorelai admitted. "But I wouldn't change a single thing," She added, tucking a piece of Cassie's hair behind her ear. "Do you think you're ready?"

"No," Cassie answered honestly and Lorelai couldn't lie she was beyond relieved to hear this. "But..." Cassie paused, feeling nervous about the next part of her sentence, "what if Josh is ready."

Lorelai wasn't surprised that Cassie was worried about this, a lot of girls her age had this fear, even Lorelai did back in the day.

"Honey, if he isn't willing to wait then he isn't the boy for you."

"I know," Cassie looked down, a realization hitting her. "I don't want to lose him. And there are other girls who'd be happy to jump in bed with him, I don't want him to pick them."

"I know you don't. But if he chooses to be with someone else then you're better off without him," Lorelai told her, even though that's not really what Cassie needed to hear at that moment. Lorelai let out a sigh, trying to think of the right thing to say to her kid. "Be honest with yourself babe, and if he can't handle it then cut him loose. You'll survive without him. He's just a boy. But he'll never find someone better than you."

Cassie laughed quietly and she knew at this moment she'd forever be grateful that Lorelai was her mother. 

author's note:

hey everybody! I really hope you've enjoyed this story so far and if you have please leave a comment or vote, it means the world to me. Also I've been toying with the idea of making my chapters longer in the future. So if that's something you'd like to see let me know or if you like the current length tell me. Another thing, as we get further into the series and more characters are added, I might start asking you guys questions to see what you want for this series. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and thanks so much for reading this far.

<3 Alanna

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