Ms. Medda

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Waking up on the rooftop is one of the best feelings I had in a while. The sense of freedom and open air. I was waking up to Jack slapping me with his hat. He did the same to Crutchie. "Up you two! Got papers to sell!" I couldn't help but laugh at this. His like the big brother who picks on us for our own good. We both get up and go down stairs.

When we got there any Spot news had died down. The guys went on with there usual business.

All of us are walking to the Pulitzer Building when a wagon pulls out in
In front of us with none other than the Delancey Brothers on it.

"What aren't ya working?" Morris said.

"We have to get the papers to do that you bone head." I shout. Some newsies are shocked that I said that (but not really). Oscar hops down from the wagon and lunches his way though the crowd of newsies until he's face to face with me. "Listen here goil! You better keep that pretty little mouth shut! Cuz one of theses days, it's gonna get you hurt." He snarled. I stare dead cold into his eyes. "Same goes for you Oscar!" I snap back. He backs off. The brothers leave us be, I feel like I just won an award.

So I'm outside selling my papers. I decided on a spot downtown to sell papers. Its not as slow as I though it would be. Just when I think today it's going to be normal, I see Race, Elmer, Specs, Crutchie. I hear Race yell. "Stray hurry up we gots pans!"

"Plans?" I ask.

"Yeah some of us are heading to Irving Hall." Specs said. I of cosre have no idea what that is. I look over at Crutchie who is smiling like a kid in a candy shop. Race and Elmer turns their heads at wave what little papers they have left in the air. Its Jack, back from his selling spot. He waves over to an ally and all of us follow his wrist. He props open a door that has a little tiny star in the middle top of it. One by one they walk in. I'm about to walk in when Jack stops me. "Ya gonna love dis." He said.

I step in and Jack closes the door behind me. Its backstage of something. It's amazing with curtains and ropes and garment racks leaning against the wall. When I was little my dad said I would be an actress because of my big mouth. I'd laugh then but now I know it's impossible. I'm a street rat now.

"Is this Irving Hall?" I ask.

"Yep!" Race said popping his "p". I'm trawling around in my spot. "Its amazing!" I barely spit out in my awe. "T'well this is just the back stage. You should see the house of the theater." I hear a voice that sounds like an older lady. I look up to see that my guess was right. Standing there is a beautiful woman in a big pink costume with all sorts of decorations on it. "Kelly! Boys! Where you been kids?" She saids. Jack walks up the steps that lead to a dressing room that she came out of. "We just thought we'd show our new newsie Stray," he points at me I wave, "One of your fabulous shows."

"Well you folks are just in luck. I have a show starting in about 25 minutes." This lady walks over to me. "I'm Medda Larkson." She extends her arm out for me to shake. I do shake her hand with one hand and I take of my hat with another. Jack comes over and puts his arm around me. I look over a Crutchie and he seems fine with it. Its just Jack any ways. "Medda runs da joint. Actress and much more." Medda bashes her eyelashes in a joking manner.

Elmer walks up behind us laughing under his breath. "Just so ya know, Race had a little crush on Medda." Race must have heard that because a few seconds later I hear Race yell. "I DO NOT!" Poor kid. Everyone laughed when he tried to defend himself. Even Ms. Medda.

I strode around the backstage area. Its full of props and backdrops and garment racks. "This" I stutter. Medda walks over to me and pushes a strain of hair behind my ear. "This is nothing. Come on Stray follow me." She says. I look back at the boys and they're nodding and making motions for me go with their hands. I eagerly follow her though the curtains until we are on the main stage. There is no one in the audience yet, but it all seems to intimidating. I can't hold myself still. in running around looking at everything I can. "Never been in a theatre have you kid?" She asked. I shake my head no. She smiles like she had the best idea in ages. "Why don't you stick around for the show? You and the boys can sit in those box seats over yonder."

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