[49]"what the hell?"

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"AHHHHHHH", he screamed loud with fury as not even a dent appeared. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" He screamed at the ceiling, shooting a repulsor, from his hand at the wall. It rebounded and he had to dodge it. He should've known that would happen but he wasn't thinking straight at the moment.

"Come on, come on", he said to himself desperately as he continued hitting away at the concrete.
"Why the hell did I put so much security in this room!"

The doors were laced with vibranium and the walls were steel surrounded by concrete. There was no getting through this within the next day.
Then he remembered the small storage space he hid all his extra suits in.
Due to no power, he had to yank it open by hand. He created just enough space to climb into the big empty gap.

He would still have to punch through about a foot of metal and concrete but it's got to be better than the other option.

You continued walking around, following orders. In your right hand was a gun you'd collected along the way.
The flashes of the lights occasionally sent a bright red beam straight to your face.
'Why are there alarms', you momentarily thought to yourself before remembering the orders.

Bruce was in his room trying to get the door open. He wasn't a very strong guy so he tried to pry it open. The noise sent pains into his ears as he tried to stay calm.
"Don't need hulk. Hulk will hurt people. Don't need hulk. Hulk will hurt people". He repeated over and over to himself.

The thought had crossed his mind. The hulk could easily get him out this room, but if he couldn't keep control of him, the wrong people could get hurt. Instead he struggled through, kicking at the door, trying to break the locks, searching for other ways out. But it was useless.

He'd heard the words spoke by the man across the building. If they had worked, you were stuck with the winter soldier. The thought made him start to cry and kick at the door even harder.
If he was ordered to, they would all lose you and Steve. And when he was back, they'd lose Bucky to. He wouldn't be able to deal with losing you both.

Green tinges began to show on his neck but he fought it back. "No no! We can't hurt anyone! We'll get out".

Then he suddenly thought he heard footsteps walking past his door. Heavy steps and the unmistakable sound of a gun cocking.
"Bucky?!" Bruce shouted. "Bucky is that you? Listen you need to fight it! Where are Steve and y/n? Are they hurt? Please you need to let me out so I can see! Please!" He pleaded, but the steps just disappeared down the hall.

You continued to walk through the hallways, 'was that Bruce?... why can I hear Bruce!...... no. focus on the mission'.

The other kids and Clint were all stuck in a room just off of the main room. They tried all jumping at the door at the same time but nothing was working. Even with peters strength they were having no more luck than anyone else.

"Why can't we just go through the vent!" Shouted cooper but his dad shook his head.
"The only place we can go through that vent is into the main room on the other side but then we'll be more vulnerable. And All the other doors will be locked, we need to figure out how to unlock the doors first".

The words echoed even louder in that part of the building and peters face changed. "WE NEED TO GO! I DON'T CARE HOW VULNERABLE WE WILL BE! Y/N AND STEVE ARE IN TROUBLE!!" He yelled, jumping up and into the the vent.

Despite Clint's protests all the other kids followed and made their way into the large, empty main room.

"Now you're probably all wondering who I am. My name is Petrov. I know you've been looking for me Tony. Well, here I am!"

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now