Jane went quiet as Elliot tried to not look directly at her. He felt so bad for this woman, especially since she didn't know who she was, and it may take weeks or months to search through missing persons and find her. But that is only if whoever she is was loved and missed.

"I'll go with you." Elliot offered, and Jane nodded hesitantly.

"Please don't leave me."

"I promise you that I won't."


Jane decided to change her name to Olivia not long after she was found, and her reasoning was that it felt more like her. The exam didn't come up with much minus a healed scar from a c-section and screws and a plate in her leg from when it had been broken.

Elliot searched whenever he could get free time in hopes of finding Olivia's family, especially the child that she must have had before she got lost and then found.

While Elliot was searching, Olivia was living her life in Elliot's world. She lived in his spare bedroom and went to therapy to try and figure out what happened. Olivia got a job at a grocery store and explored different classes to see if she could discover a secret talent that may led to her original identity.

"Hey, Liv." Elliot smiled, as he walked into his apartment. Olivia was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, a thick book held tightly in her hands.

"Hi." Olivia replied, her eyes never leaving the page.

"Olivia, you really need to stop reading. That is the third book you have read in the last few days." Elliot laughed, as he moved to where she sat and pulled the book from her hands. He tucked her bookmark into it as Olivia huffed and turned to look at him.

"Mister, I was reading that. I love to read, which doesn't make me unique, but it makes me happy. It takes me to places I have never gone before." Olivia spoke, her voice dripping with sass.

That was another thing that Elliot had noticed at the stranger who had become one of his closest friends.

"C'mon. I brought home dinner. Join me."

They sat together in Elliot's small kitchen and ate pizza together. Olivia listened to everything that Elliot had to say, and she was almost mesmerized by the man sitting in front of her. But it was more than just an intense interest in him, Olivia felt something more for him.

"I know something about myself." Olivia blurted out, as Elliot grab a napkin. He wiped his mouth off quickly before looking at her.

"Really? Did you figure it out in therapy or-"

"I don't know what my life was before... if I was married or how many kids I may have... but whatever was there before isn't here now. Especially because before I didn't know you, and I wasn't falling in love with you." Olivia spoke, as she tried her hardest to not look at Elliot. She didn't want to see him laughing quietly about her boldness.

"I'm glad you are here, Liv. You are one wonderful weirdo that I'm kinda falling for too." Elliot smiled before reaching out grabbing Olivia's hand. He brought it to his lips before kissing her knuckles gently.


A loud gasp left her throat as she sat up quickly and panted hard. Olivia woke up out of a deep sleep and did not know why.

"Babe?" Elliot yawned, as he rolled over to face where Olivia was sitting up. It had been over two years since Olivia was found, and life had been amazing for her. However, now everything seemed more scary than anything else.

"El." Olivia whimpered, as she reached for Elliot. He sat up quickly and turned on the lamp before wrapping his arms around Olivia and holding her tightly.

Forgotten Memories [A Bensler Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now