Chapter 9 - Marshmellow Man

Start from the beginning

He looks up from whatever he was working on and looks at me, "Hey Valerie. What's up?"

I bite my lip nervously, "So you know how we're from another dimension right?"

He nods and I can tell that he's half paying attention and he's more focused on the thing that he's working on.

"Well, did you know that in that dimension, you are just a fictional world from a movie?"

He drops whatever he was working on.

That got his attention.


"I said, that you fr-"

He cuts me off, now fully facing me, "I heard what you said I'm just....kinda confused and shocked right now."

"Yeah. It's alot to take in but I thought you needed to know."


Awkward silence takes over the conversation and we just look at the ground.

"Why?" He asks after a while.

"Why what?"

"Why me? Like, why would you tell me and not Tadashi or something?"


I pause and start to think. Why would I tell him this? I suddenly remember the article I read.

"Because, in my world, you're the main character and the main character deserves to know his story. You know... before I messed it up."
Hiro looks up at the mention of him being the main character, "Me? The main character? The world must be ending."

"It's true though!"

"And Tadashi?"

I stop myself from saying the answer. Does he really want to know that his brother was supposed to die?

Hiro taps his fingers against his desk impatiently and I start to get nervous.

"I.....ummm.....Well, Tadashi.....he...." I take a deep breath and decide to answer, "He was suppose to die."

I didn't think Hiro's eyes could get any bigger but they did once he heard that piece of information.

"W-What?" He asks, his voice soft and gentle.

I look down, "In your movie, that fire was supposed to kill Tadashi. In rage, you'd want to hunt down the villain. You know the one we saw that day?" I see him nod out of the corner of my eye and smile, "Yeah, that villain was the one who started it and then you dec-"

He cuts me off, "Okay Val. Slow down."

I frown at my nickname, "Don't call me Val. Only Lily can do that."

He rolls his eyes, "Okay then, Valerie. All I'm getting out of this is that the villain we both saw wanted to kill Tadashi."

I slowly nod to tell him he was correct and he clenches his fists. I notice this right away.

"Hiro. Relax."

"How can I?! I just found out that some psychopath wanted to kill my brother!" He slams his fists on the desk causing me to flinch.

I've never seen someone so angry before. I was the only one in my family to have a flaring temper. (I still do but it's not as bad as it was a few years ago.) But seeing someone else so angry really scares me. Especially if I'm the one who caused that anger.

Surprisingly, he notices my discomfort and his eyes soften at my stiff stance.

"Sorry. I just..... It makes me mad that someone was, and probably still is, trying to kill my brother. We....W-We need to do something Valerie."

I shrug, "We could call the police."

He shakes his head, "They won't believe us. We need to do this ourselves. We...We need to catch this guy."

I stare at him, "Uh....'we'?"


Ooh!!! Cliffhanger! (Hehe! :p) Sorry I'm mean. Well, sorry this took soooooooooo long to update! I've been VERY busy lately so, yeah. :( BUT, summer's coming soon so, once I have summer break I'll be able to update more! Yay! Until the next chapter! :)


💜 UPDATE (10/29/16) 💜

Gosh..... Even my author notes are cringey. EEK.

So, here's the edited version of Chapter Nine. I made Valerie a bit more sensitive to Hiro's angry reaction and a bit more naïve to the BH6 plot.


You'll find out soon enough why she's a bit more naïve and how.

Just you wait.....


ALSO, I forgot to add that Anemia is a real sickness and I had to do a lot of research to portray it as accurately as possible.

That is all.


- DisnerdFangirl 💛

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