Chapter 3- Blackouts And Fires

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(Edited) ~(•-•)~

I frantically search for a flash in the pitch darkness. I try to look everywhere for the flashlight.


I jumped up in fear and followed the voice.

"Valerie! I found the flashlight!" Lily says, holding the flashlight in the air.

I grab the flashlight out of her hand and turn it on. The light brightens the room. But the TV is gone.

"Uh, Lily? What happened to the TV?!"

"It's right over.....there?" She says but the TV isn't there or anywhere. Then, I notice the couch was gone.

Okay. What the heck is going on?! Am I mad?!

My thoughts swirl around my head. The more I thought about it, the more confused I was. Just as I was finding a way out, the wall was on fire. Then I realized that the room was on fire. I dropped the flashlight, which made a bigger fire.

Darn it! I thought, How are we going to survive this?!

I look at Lily, who is as frighten as I am.

"Okay Lily. We are going to find a way out, I promise. Just say near me, okay?"

Lily nods her head and holds my hand. We begin to walk forwards hoping someone will see us trapped in this fire. As we walked, I noticed a big black ball.

Was that always in our house or in our neighborhood? I thought to myself.

It was strange that the ball wasn't melting from the heat. As I was thinking, I bump into someone and my glasses go flying. Luckily, the stranger grabs them.

"Excuse me." I say to the stranger, "Can you please help me and my sister?"

The stranger nods leads me and my sister outside. Once we are outside, I notice another person waiting outside, probably for the stranger. The stranger gives me back my glasses and runs back in.

"Are you insane?!" I say, putting my (now broken) glasses back on. "Do you have a death wish?!"

"I need to help him." He says, running back in.

Who's him? Help who?

As if on cue, I noticed that the building's going to collapse. I run in and help the strange evacuate everyone out. After what seems like everyone's gone, I push the stranger out the door.

"Come on!" I yell, "The building is going to collapse!"

As if the building was waiting for us to leave, it explodes. The force of the explosion sends me backwards and I hit my head and fall straight onto the ground. I groan, my eyes starting to get tired.

"Now look what you've done knucklehead!" Someone says

"Me?! You just had to go back and save some people!"

"Well the least you could do was break her fall!"

"Um, guys?" I hear Lily say.

The two voices kept on arguing. As they argued, I stared at the cold, hard concrete. As I was staring at it, I saw an ant. The ant walked (or crawled) right up to me. I think it waved at me.

I think I'm going insane.........

Wait, are they still arguing?

"GUYS!" Lily yells, her yelling hurts my ears, "Will she be okay?"

"Yeah. She'll be just fine. We'll take her to the hospital, just to be safe."

My eyes gave in and my world turned black.


YAY! We are here with all the action! WOOO! This is how is starts off and we move from here. Yay! 

Here's the Question Of The Chapter: What was the most heartbreaking Disney movie you have watched?

Author's response: "An American Tail." MY FEELS! :"( 


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