Chapter 5 - Meeting The Hamadas

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(Edited) ~(•-•)~

I've been here for what feels like forever. The only company I have is Lily. Who knew a hospital could be so boring!

The doctor would come every once in a while and check my blood pressure, head and burns. He keeps on pestering Lily that she shouldn't be keeping me awake. But Lily, sits in her little chair in front of my bed, refusing to listen. I sigh and tell Lily to go to sleep. She hasn't slept and neither have I. We both agree and slowly fall asleep.


After what feels like 1-2 hours of sleep, we hear a knock on the door. I immediately spring out of bed. Lily jumps up, startled.

A nurse with short brown hair comes in, "Oh. Um.. Sorry to wake you miss."

I stare at her, "You gave me a heart attack!"

"Again, terribly sorry, but you have some visitors. Would you like to see them?"

Lily and I exchange glances, we don't know anyone here. Who would want to visit us?

Lily speaks for the both of us, "Umm....Sure! That'll be fine."

The nurse leaves and Lily and I sigh.

"Lily? Who could possibly want to vi-"
I was cut off by the door opening and the first thing I see is balloons. But, behind the balloons is a middle-aged women with short brown hair and green eyes. Behind her are two boys. One was taller than the other. And the shorter one had big, fluffy hair. She looks at my direction and makes one of the boys hold the balloons.

"Hi!" The women says, her voice cheery and happy, "You must be Valerie! I'm Cassandra."

I awkwardly wave, "Hi." Lily waves at her too.

She smiles at us, "Oh! And this is Tadashi and Hiro. My nephews."

I silently gasp, Hiro and Tadashi Hamada? The ones who fate we changed?

I grab Lily's arm and gently restrain her from fangirling. Cause if she starts fangirling, everything is going to go crazy.

Cassandra smiles, "Anyways, we just wanted to thank you for saving Tadashi. I couldn't believe it! A fire!"

She continued to talk but at this point, I kinda zoned out. My mind was somewhere else. I notices she's almost fished talking so I snap out of my trance.

"Anyways, I'm just going to quickly get a coffee. I'll be right back!" She says, walking out the door.

Silence is what follows. No one, not even Lily says a word. (Which is odd. Lily being the one who won't stop talking.) What makes it worse is that Tadashi keeps looking at the both of us suspiciously, as if we committed some crime.

Lily clears her throat, "Sooo, watcha think of your hometown? Is it nice here?"

Thank gods Lily!

Tadashi smiled at her, "Yeah. It's a nice city. Peaceful."

"But not too peaceful!" Hiro says.

Tadashi looks at the both of us, "What about you guys? You tourists?"

"Yup! We recently came here to get away from....well everything. We wanted a vacation." Lily says, smiling from ear to ear.

"Ah. Where are you guys from?"

I lightly elbow Lily on her side, "Nice going." I whisper to her.

My turn to talk. I smile at the two, "We are from Flordrid." (A/N: That's Florida and Madrid together. I'm not the best with names.)

Tadashi nods his head, "Cool. Sounds like a nice place."

"Yeah it is."

Silence fills the air. Again.

After what seems like forever, Cassandra came back from getting coffee.

"Sorry for taking so long. The line was incredibly long. Gosh! Anyways, boys you ready to go?"

They both nod and they follow their aunt out. They all wave bye and leave. I smile.

Lily shake me, squealing, "We just interacted with the protagonists!"

I sigh, shaking my head, "Oh Lily....."

Lily laughs and lightly shoves me.


After a long day, the nurse helps Lily combine two chairs together to make a small bed. Once I know she's asleep, I try to fall asleep.

But I can't.

The thoughts of what's going on swirl around my head. The thought of never going back home is horrible. Sure, San Fransokyo is beautiful but we don't belong here. Just then, I thought of something.

What if Tadashi and Hiro could help us get back home? But wouldn't they think I'm crazy?

I stare at the ceiling wondering if I'll ever stare at my bedroom ceiling again.

Andddd, that's it! Yay! Another chapter done! YASSS! What do you guys think? I think Tadashi is up to something, don't you? Or nah?

And yes.....Flordrid. That was the best I could think of..... cx

Until the next chapter! Ciao!


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