Chapter 9 - Marshmellow Man

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(Edited) ~(•-•)~

I woke up with a start, my eyes frantically darting across the room. I look around to see no one here. I sigh and lay back down with a thud. I close my eyes for a few seconds when I heard the the door open. I sit back up to see a walking.....marshmellow? I watch as it tilts it's head slightly before walking towards me.

"Hello. I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion." It, Baymax, tells me, waving his chubby hand at me.

I give a shy smile to the robot and he continues to talk.

"You have been unconscious for the last hour Miss Martinez. Has this happened before?" He asks me.

"N-No. I've never been like....this before. I don't know what's wrong." I look down and play with my fingers.

"I will scan you now." He looks at me.

I look up, alarmed, "Wait, what? Do-"

"Scan complete."

"You have got to be kidding me."

At that moment, the brothers walk in. They both smile and wave at me and watch how Baymax handles me.

Baymax looks at them for a brief second before turning back to me.

"It has seemed that when you have too many thoughts or emotions in your head, the blood flow to your head that helps you think is overwhelmed and will shut down for a while, causing you to faint. Diagnosis: Anemia and/or Head Injury."

I stare at Baymax with wide eyes, "So basically, I have to keep my emotions in check?"


I sigh, mumbling to myself that this sounds like an Elsa problem and stare at the floor. It's silent for a moment before Tadashi starts to thank Baymax for everything and shuts him down saying, "I'm satisfied with my care."

I feel the brothers' stares boring holes through my skull. I can feel their pity, but I don't want it. I hate pity.

"So, where's my sister?" I ask, looking up at them.

"She's downstairs on the couch sleeping. She was so worried last night that she was speed talking in another language. We couldn't hear anything she was saying." Tadashi tells me.

I smile. Lily was always so worried about me, despite being the youngest. But at the same time, I'm equally worried about her. I just show it a bit.... differently than her.

I watch as the brothers awkwardly leave and I lay back down, a million questions floating around my head. And I'm just wondering if I ruined the movie even more.

Slowly, I grab my phone and immediately go to Lily's bookmarks on the internet. From there, I go onto "Disney Wiki" and search up "Big Hero 6". I quickly read through the plot and try to see if I messed something up.

My eyes scan the page until I stop halfway through the article, realizing something. I re-read the part to make sure my predictions are correct. I sigh deeply and shake my head.

Tadashi was supposed to die. And that way Big Hero 6 was formed. And since he's alive now, the team never happened and that villain could still be causing chaos.

I need to convince them to do something about it.

But how? I wasn't sure if we were on the brothers good side or not but I know that Hiro is the leader of Big Hero 6 and I feel like I should tell him first. But I have the feeling that this might not end well.

But it's worth a shot.


"Hey Hiro?"

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