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1 DAY!!! Kit was coming back tomorrow! I'd been thinking of something special I could do for when he gets back. I finished my present that I'd been working on. I couldn't wait for him to see it.

I had a welcome home banner, the present, and cupcakes. But I had to figure out where I was setting it up. Kit probably wanted to go back to his own apartment after being gone for so long, but I don't have a way of getting there to set up before he gets back. My other option would be to set everything up in my dorm room, have him come over, and celebrate there. It was sounding like that was the best option. I talked to Ve about it and they said they'd go over to a friend's place for the night. I thanked them endlessly.

The next day

Kit said he'd get to my dorm around 6 pm. I hung up the banner and picked up the cupcakes and put them in my mini fridge. I thought about what I'd say when I opened the door.

"You're never leaving me for that long again." What? Way too possessive.

"I've missed you so much." Well, obviously.

"I think I'm dreaming." Cheesy.

I'd probably just end up screaming his name. I could barely stand doing anything else other than just pace around and wait. Finally, it was 5pm. He texted me.

Kit: Just got in a taxi! I'm heading back to my place to drop off my stuff, I'll get to your dorm as soon as i can though! cant wait to see you x

Zoey: No problem!! i cant wait to see you too!!☺️☺️☺️

At 5:55 there was a knock on my door. No way no way no way. I made sure the banner was up, fixed my hair, then took a breath and opened the door.

There he was.

I never would've known Kit was on a long flight today. He was radiating a warm, comforting energy. He looked so happy.

"Oh my god, Kit." I said and he walked in and swept me up into a big hug. He lifted me up off the ground and my legs instinctually wrapped around his waist. He nestled his head into the crook of my neck. I could feel him exhale a big breath. This was just how I'd remembered his hugs. Like hot chocolate on a winter day. It was what I'd been longing for.

Kit set me down gently. His hands were still on my waist, mine on his shoulders. I just looked at him. I was almost getting flustered just by how cute he looked. He had this adoring look on his face.

"Hi," he said softly.

"Hi," I said, smiling ear to ear. It was like we were meeting again. He put his hand on my cheek.

"I can't believe I'm seeing you in person again! It feels amazing. You look amazing—" He started, then cut himself off by kissing me. God, I couldn't help but smile. He did too, and we ended up laughing and holding onto each other.

Still close together, I said, "I've missed this—missed you. I love you so much."

"I love you too Z." He pecked me a bunch of times in a row, it was so cute. He finally looked up and saw the banner. "Oh my god, did you make that banner?"

"Mmhm," I said, smiling. My arms were still draped around Kit, I could not be separated from him.

"That is the sweetest thing ever. Thank you so much. Hey, I have a present for you, do you want to open it now?"

I looked over, and he'd set it on my desk at some point. I didn't even realize.

"Can we just lay down and talk for a little bit? I just want to be with you."

"Yeah, of course." As we started talking and catching up more we got on my bed we laid there, facing each other, I couldn't stop playing with his hair and rubbing his cheek. Eventually Kit asked, "Can I give you your present now? Sorry, I'm just really excited about it."

I laughed. "Yeah. I have something for you too."

"Really?" I nodded. "Oh I'm excited!" Kit got up and handed the bag to me. We were sitting criss crossed facing each other. I took the tissue paper out and there were two things. The first was a beautiful sketch book that looked old and worn out, but it was created so well that it wouldn't break.

"This is so beautiful."

"I thought you'd like it. I got it in this little vintage store in France, which is also where I got the other gift in the bag."

I reached in and felt fabric. I pulled it out, and it was this long cream colored midi skirt with little purple flowers all over it. It looked flowy and not constricting at all.

"This is so me," I smiled and looked up at Kit.

"Isn't it?? I saw it and instantly thought of you. I just hope it fits."

"Oh I'm sure it will. Thank you so much Kit, these are perfect. And so sweet." I put my hand on the back of his neck and kissed him. "Let me get your gift." I went to my desk drawer and pulled it out. I didn't even think about wrapping it. I sat on the bed and handed it to him. He instantly smiled. It was a watercolor painting of us kissing in front of the sunset.

"This is amazing, Z. How long did this take??"

"Oh I have no clue. Like at least 15 hours."

"Damn. I love your art so much. Thank you, I love this, I'm framing it and hanging it up in my room."

"Aww. I'm glad you like it." I was holding his hands and brought them up to my face to kiss them. "Oh I also got cupcakes for us, do you want one now?"

"Ohh yes! That sounds wonderful."

I got them out and handed one to Kit and got one for myself. "Dink it and sink it," I said before we took the first bite.

"Mmm, very good." Once we finished the cupcakes Kit started being even more touchy, I could tell he wanted to make out. And I did too. So I leaned in close to him, almost teasing him by not going in for the kiss. I could see him smiling. Kit brought his hands up to my cheeks and held them there, we both stayed there for a second and I still wasn't doing anything. I wanted to see how long it would take for him to kiss me.

About 2 seconds. "Can I kiss you?"

I nodded and he pressed his lips against mine. I was soon laying on the bed with Kit hovering over me. His hand was starting to slip under my shirt, and I couldn't get enough of it, I sat up and he took my shirt off, resulting in a big smile. We kept making out, Kit started kissing my neck, I took off his shirt and marveled at his body. His hand landed on the waistband of my pants, his fingers curling under the fabric. I knew he was about to lift his head up and ask if he could take my pants off, so before he could ask I helped him.  I took off Kit's pants right after, and I felt like we were melting into each other, just getting closer and closer. Suddenly Kit's head popped up.

"Ve's not gonna walk in on us, right?"

I chuckled. "No, they're staying at a friend's place for the night."

"For the night?" He asked cheekily.

"Yeah for the night," I said knowingly, brushing the hair out of his face. He thought for a second.

"Do you...want to have sex?" He asked timidly.

"Yeah, I really do." As I was saying that a big smile formed. I couldn't help it. Kit was smiling too. "Do you?" I asked him.

"Yes! Definitely. I've been thinking about it a lot over the past two months. And now that I'm saying that out loud it sounds a bit weird."

"Nah I was thinking about it too. A lot."

"Glad we're on the same page." We talked about what we each wanted for a little bit and then removed the last few articles of clothing, then got to it.


Afterwards we were both laying in bed.

"I love you," I said. "You're amazing." I turned to him and put my hand on his chest

"I love you too," he said, looking in my eyes. He looked back up at the ceiling. I watched a smile twitch onto his face. "I liked what you were saying about me."

I had to turn away and laugh. And cringe at myself. "We don't have to talk about that..."

"What? You're embarrassed by it? I love it."

I buried my head into his chest and laughed. Yeah, I'm going to love being able to see him anytime I want.

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