Jealousy, Jealousy

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It was a few days later, Kit was at my dorm hanging out after my class. We were both laying on my bed, cuddled up next to each other. We were watching tik toks when I heard the door unlocking.

"I don't think Ve knows that you're here," I whispered to Kit before they opened the door.

"Oh, okay."

Ve opened the door and saw me and Kit.

"Oh, hey guys!" Ve said with a smile.

"Hey!" We both said.

"Sorry Kit I didn't know you'd be here, I can leave."

"You don't have to leave! We're just hanging out," I told them.

"Okay. I was gonna go out with a friend anyway, I just have to get ready."

"Yeah, you're fine!" I assured them. Ve started looking through their clothes, me and Kit were still watching tik toks and talking.

"Hey, Zoey?" Ve said, getting my attention.


"Would you be a realllyyyy good friend and let me borrow your black corset?" They smiled at me hopefully.

I sighed. "Sure. Do you need help lacing it up?"

"Yes please."

I got up and got out the corset and we went into the bathroom. I felt a little bad for just leaving Kit laying on the bed but it would only be for a minute.

Ve took off their top and put on this loose long sleeve shirt and the corset over it, then I helped them tie up the corset. I was laughing at how much effort I had to put into it.

"This is such a good outfit," I told Ve.

"Thanks! I feel really good in it." I could see their smile shining through the mirror. I knew Ve felt dysphoric in certain clothes sometimes, so finding an outfit that they really liked always made me happy. We walked out of the bathroom and Kit was on his phone.

"Do you need anything else Ve?"

"No I think I'm good!" They said, putting on their shoes. "I am going to head out!"

"Have fun!" I said.

"Thanks! Bye Kit."

"Bye Ve." The door closed and Ve locked it behind them. "You're really close with Ve aren't you?" Kit asked. He seemed curious, almost.

"Yeah, I mean they're my closest friend in London. We've been navigating college together. They're really important to me. I actually thought I liked Ve at the beginning of the school year. Obviously not anymore."

"Oh really..? Does Ve know? That you liked them?" Kit asked cautiously.

"Yeah. We've talked about it. We kissed once." I really hope Kit wouldn't be mad about that. I mean it was one time. Obviously I wouldn't do that now that Kit's my boyfriend.

"Oh." He said, and just left it at that. There was a painful silence.

"Kit, I don't have feelings for them anymore. And the stuff with me and Ve was before I even met you."

"Yeah....I don't know, I feel like this is so stupid that I'm even saying this but I guess I'm just a little jealous." He kept looking down.

"Of me and Ve?" I asked softly. I wanted to burst out and tell him that he literally did not have anything to worry about, that I really really liked him, and he makes me so happy.

"I think so. I mean you just went in the bathroom with Ve, saw them change and then laced up their corset. That seems kinda intimate to me."

"You want to take off your shirt and I'll tie you up in a corset?" I said, trying to lighten the mood. Kit cracked a smile.

"Am I being ridiculous?" He asked, seeming apologetic.

"No, you're not," I said, grabbing his hand. "I'm glad you brought this up. I don't have a thing for Ve. Do you...want to start being more intimate?"

Kit smiled a little. "Yeah. I would like that. If you're okay with that."

I nodded. "Yeah. I mean, depends on what...exactly, it is...but I think that would be great for us."

Kit smiled. Then his smile faded. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I'm going to have to leave to film the movie. I don't know how long, or where, but...probably for at least a month." His brow furrowed. "I'm sorry."

"Kit, it's okay. It's for your career! I'll be alright. And you'll be busy filming."

"You're right. Now that I got that out of the way," he brought his hand up to my face and brushed my hair out of the way, then kept his hand there. He brought his face to mine and our lips pressed together. I immediately pushed him into my pillows and we made out. I wanted him. I moved my hand to the bottom of his sweatshirt, sliding it up his chest, revealing his abs. Wow. I helped Kit take off his sweatshirt and I realized that I'd never seen him shirtless until now.

"You are literally perfect," I told him. He smiled and we kept kissing. I ran my hands over his body, and I could tell he liked it. Kit started bringing the bottom of my crew neck up my stomach, then I inhaled, breaking up our kiss.

"I'm sorry I should've asked—"

"Oh it's okay, I just—I'm not wearing a bra. Don't think I'm ready for that right now. Do you wanna take off my sweatpants instead..?"

"Yeah," He said, biting his lip. He reached down to the tie of my sweatpants and undid it carefully. From there he slid them off my waist and I took them off all the way. Kit reached down to my ass and thighs, as I started kissing his neck he let out quiet moans. He flipped me over so that I was laying on the bed. He kissed down my neck while I grasped his arms.

I felt Kit's lips leave my neck. His head hovered above mine, I looked at him with adoration and he looked down at my neck.

"Oops," He said, rubbing my neck softly with his thumb.

"Hickey?" I asked.

"...plural," Kit said, his face turning red. "Sorry Z."

"It's okay. I can cover it. Plus, how could I be mad at you?" He smiled and laid next to me—which was a little hard in my extra long twin bed. Dorm room beds.

I draped my arm and leg across him and traced little circles on his chest with my finger. He didn't bring attention to it.

"I really like you, Z. I cant believe I got so lucky with you."

"I really like you too. And I'm glad you gave me that note at the coffee shop."

"It never hurts to shoot your shot."

We laid there for a long time, just talking. Kit told me he'd tell me right away when he finds out how long he'll be gone for filming. Ve texted me.

Ve: I'm on my way back. Just so you know😉

I showed Kit the text and he thought it was funny. I put my pants back on and Kit put his sweatshirt on. It didn't seem like he wanted to leave, which I thought was sweet. Finally, when Ve got back he stayed and talked to them for a little bit, then left.

I didn't tell Ve about how Kit felt about me and them. I thought maybe they'd be upset.

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