Mini Golf

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"Do you want to do something else after this?" I asked.

"Yeah for sure! Where should we go?"

"I've been wanting to go mini golfing for a long time. Is there a place close to here?" I asked.

"That sounds so fun. We'd have to get a taxi, but I say we go."

"Okay!" I said excitedly. I usually don't make impulsive decisions like going mini golfing at 9 pm but I was so excited.

Kit got us a taxi and we made it to mini golf. He paid for the mini golf and we went to the beginning.

"Just so you know," I started, "I'm actually quite a pro at mini golf."

"Oh are you?" Kit inquired. "I guess we'll see about that."

We were playing and I was having such a fun time, we were joking around and doing all these bits and still playing the game, and it just felt so natural. The mini golf place closed in 30 minutes so there weren't many people there. It was really nice.

We were on the last hole and the golf ball had to go up a steep hill and through a tube, then through these rocks.

"I think I could get this one in two turns," I said, putting my hands up.

"No way," Kit said.

I jokingly opened my mouth wide. "What, you don't believe in me?"

"Of course I believe you. But this is like the hardest one. Only a truly skilled mini golfer could get a hole in two for this one."

"Do we need to bet on it?"

"Well you brought it up, not me!" He said defensively. "What do you want from me?"

"...a kiss." I saw Kit break his serious character that he was doing when I said I wanted a kiss.

"A kiss..." he smiled, thinking about it. "Okay, if you get the ball in the hole in two tries, I'll give you a—fucking great—kiss. If you don't make it, you'll have to wait until I drop you off at your dorm. It'll still be a great kiss though." He had his arms crossed, still maintaining his character.

"Okay Kit. That seems fair. Except I think we both lose if I don't make it in the hole." I was referring to the fact that we both want the kiss to happen now, rather than later.

"Then you gotta make it in the hole!!" He said, not missing a beat. Kit went first, then I took my turn, which was actually really good, I had a pretty clear shot to the hole, it was just far away. Kit went again and didn't make it but got close. "Okay, this is your chance Z. You got this!" I smiled at the fact that he called me Z. I think that was the first time. I definitely liked it.

I exhaled. "I got this. Gotta...," I chuckled thinking about what I was about to say. "I gotta give myself a pep talk."

"What," Kit started laughing.

"My pep talk is very important, Kit."

"Sorry," he said, still laughing quietly.

"Okay Zoey, it's always super cool when you talk about yourself in third person. You are so good at mini golf. Your boyfriend just called you a nickname for the first time."

Kit lost it, we were both laughing so hard. "That was a good one," he said.

"Right. Anyway, I've stalled enough. Time to...bring home the bacon."

"Is that even a real saying??"

"At this point I am just not sure." I exhaled, focused on the ball, and hit it. We were both watching the ball, it felt so dramatic. It was rolling, rolling, until clank.


"Ahhh!" I screamed.

"WOAHH!!" Kit yelled. "THAT WAS AMAZING." He dropped his putter and came over and swooped me up into a big hug, lifting me off the ground. I was laughing, and thinking about our upcoming kiss. he set me down gently and without letting go leaned in for the kiss, and I met my lips to his. The kiss was really great.

"I would literally keep kissing you for hours if I could," Kit whispered to me.

"I wish. Are you going to finish your turn?"

That took him a moment to process. "Oh, yeah. Sorry I totally forgot that we were playing mini golf."

He made it in on his third turn and we celebrated with another, shorter, kiss. We returned the balls and putters to the front desk and started walking back to my dorm even though it was an hour and a half walk. We wanted to keep talking, and this seemed like the best way.

We talked about plans for another date, his audition (which apparently went really well and he got a call back! I told him to tell me about things like that) christmas, told stories from our childhood. I could talk to him forever. After a long walk we made it to my dorm.

"I'd invite you to come in but I don't know what Ve is doing," I said.

"That's okay," he said, grabbing my hands. He kissed me again.

"I can't wait to see you again!" I told him.

"Me too. Maybe meet at my place this time and go find something to do around there."

"That sounds perfect."

"Good." His hands were still on my waist. mine were on his shoulders. "Alright, bye Z."

"Bye Kit."

Kit ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now