A pleasant moment

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"here it is. Did you know that in winter, a lot of blue flowers bloom here and they shine just like the blue moon?" Noe asked and I shook my head because I did not know that.

I thought flowers only grew in spring. Despite being the descendent of Luna themselves, I have little knowledge about the vampires of the blue moon.

I didn't want to bother with information like this since it's of no use to me.

"In spring time like now, all kinds of flowers grow and it's perfect for making flower crowns.

Domi always makes flower crowns for me when she comes and I want to do the same for her now," Noe told me with an innocent smile playing at his lips.

I hummed and sat down on the grass in front of Noe who already had a bunch of flowers plucked out on a hankerchief.

I picked some of the warm colors like red, orange, and a yellow for contrast and got to work.

I made sure to do it slowly and explain what I'm doing so Noe's tiny brain could process it.

Turns out I underestimated Noe's learning abilities at the moment because he caught on faster than I had anticipated.

His first flower crown was looking pretty good in my opinion and I stopped explaining.

He looked determined and focused on the task and it was very quiet now.

"Done!!!!" Noe sudddenly shouted after a couple of minutes and I looked up from the bundle of grass that I had been pluckign out of the ground for no reason at all, to see him getting started on a new one already.

"Noe? I thought you only wanted to make one for Domi," I questioned but Noe only gave me a look that said "are you stupid?".

"This one is for Louis of course," He said as if I was supposed to know that already.

I shrugged and let him do whatever he wanted since I really couldn't care less. I got up from my spot and decided to just walk around for a bit now. My legs fell asleep from sitting for so long now.

As I walked throught the corridors in the castle, I couldn't help but wonder if older Noe would now have memories of me when he was a kid.

I don't know how my actions now will change what's in the future. Timelines were always confusing for me so I don't even want to think about it too much or I'll get a headache for sure.

I also need to figure out how to go back to the present. I can't stay here forever now. Now that I think about it, maybe I'll find something in the book of Vanitas.

I never bothered to read it fully anyways and it should have the solution to my problems. I really do hate relying on that book though.

An hour later~

After rummaging through the old book, I found two things.

One, the blue light is because of the colour of the user's eyes, not viceversa like I had thought. I mean, I just guessed that my eyes changed to a lighter blue because of the book but I guess not.

And two, there is a time limit to things like this. I'm here because of a malnormal's attack and according to the book, I'll be back to how I was in the span of 1-3 days.

This eases my mind a lot now. Thank god I don't have to do anything extra just to get out of this timeline.

It's already been one day now so I would either go back today, or tomorrow.

Hopefully it would be today because I am already getting sick of these long hallways and giant rooms.

As I stretched my arms and back, I heard a commotion from outside my room. I guess Domi's finally here.

I got up and followed the voices to the garden where I left Noe about an hour ago. Little Domi stood there in the garden with a curious and confused look on her face.

She looked exactly the same as she does when she's older. Except for her round featurs and the innocence that was dripping from those golden eyes.

I looked around for Noe but he was the only one who wasn't there. Noe's teacher and Louis stood beside Domi and they all seem to be waiting for Noe.

I leaned on a pillar to my right and watched Noe run from behind a bush in the garden with his arms behind his back.

It's the flower crowns isn't it?

"What is it Noe? you sure seem excited to show it to us," Domi giggled at the end and I watched Noe look behind at his hands to take out the flower crown that was meant for her.

He reorganized the flower crows in his hands and brought his right hand which held a crown made of pink and white flowers.

Domi gasped while Louis just chuckled. The teacher held an amused expression on his face.

"Oh Noe!!! you made this for me!! that's so sweet of you," Domi squealed as she bent in front of now to let him place the crown on top of her head. The crown was way too big for her but she seemed happy to have it.

"Thank you, I love it so much!!!" she held her face in her hands as she blushed furiously with a smile.

Noe also had a pink tint to his cheeks as he smiled with his eyes closed.

"you have something more Noe?" Louis asked and Noe nodded with an even bigger grin on his face.

He looked back at his hands again and took out another flower crown that was made of orange and yellow flowers.

Noe walked towards Louis and handed it to the shooked boy. Geez, he's acting as if that flower crown is the best thing he has ever gotten.

Louis stayed quiet as he looked at the crown in his hands and I was afraid Noe would take his silence the wrong way. But Noe looked as if he knew this would happen and he walked towards his teacher now with a nervous look on his face.

"Oh...do you have one for me too, Noe?" the man asked and the said boy nodded before taking out the last crown that he held with both hands.

This crown was made of a bunch of different colours and it was bigger than the other two.

"I had asked you what your favourite colour was but you never gave me an answer. You just said "I like all colours" so I added as many as I could," the boy explained and I stood dumbfounded at the fact that a little kid could be this considerate.

Noe's teacher knelt down to Noe's height and took off his top hat with a smile. The little boy grinned widely as he placed the crown on top of his teacher's neatly combed hair.

"Thank you Noe. I will try to treasure it for as long as I can," the man stated as he patted the child's head gently and firmly. I watched the man get up and sit on the bench a few inches away to admire the three children's interactions as I was doing.

None of them seemed to have noticed me though.

"Time really does change your perspective, huh?"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ