flower trouble

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I sighed in frustration but I couldn't help but admire the girl's cautious instincts. She's right to doubt me but I don't want to waste any time here.

I want to go back to the castle now since it's getting chilly and I skipped breakfast too. I  don't want to argue with little kids with an empty stomach.

I narrowed my eyes at Mina and got ready for the usual procedure. I opened the book and the dark pages lit up to show pretty constellations along with a light blue shine, that blinded everyone's eyes for a few seconds.

The book's magic can detect cursebeares so I really don't have to even ask them. Why I wasted my time, I don't know.

"What the fuck!!!!" A kid cussed out loud and I heard someone else shout a quick "Sirah!!!".

'Kids these days...'The book started to work it's magic and Mina was now on her knees with her eyes looking possesed.

Her true name and her life formula transffered onto the book's pages and I read it out loud so it's not a secret anymore.

This causes the malnormal inside her to lose it's motive and leave the victim's body altogether.

"Aha!!! so your true name is " Calliope", indeed a fitting name for the one whose voice rivals that of a siren's.

Had I not been here, you would have caused havoc by luring the innocent with your voice to a tragic death," I felt the book get lighter and the light was starting to disappear as well.

I smirked smugly as I looked at the dumbfounded expressions on everyone's faces.

'Act casual' I thought to myself but when have I ever listened? I grinned melaciously and straightened my back as well.

"Now do you believe me?" I wittily snarled but everyone there just ran towards the girl with worried faces.

"Mina!!! Are you alright?"

"You...don't look as pale anymore"

"Did it work?"I rolled my eyes at that and turned to leave.

I cured the curse bearer and that's all I needed to stay here for. As I spinned on my heal, I noticed none other than Louis De Sade standing there.

He had a terrified look on his face and he stumbled backwards. "H-How...I didn't know...it's possible?" he muttered, still looking as if he saw his family get murdered in front of him.

I walked towards him and stopped a good 2 feet away.

"I already told you who I am. I am the vampire of the blue moon. I would be ashamed if I couldn't do this much," I shrugged my shoulders and waited for the boy to calm down.

10 minutes later~

I let out a yawn as I walked silently beside Louis. The boy hadn't talked since he saw what happened and I was starting to get worried.

"you seem pretty shaken up from what happened back there," I stated and I sawLouis looked down at the ground.

"I've never seen...something like that before so I guess I'm just surprised is all," he answered and I hummed in acknowledgement.

"I see...I don't blame you. I get this reaction every single time. Some people get scared, some get angry. and then there's the ones who find my abilities fascinating," I told the boy and he gave me a confused glance.

"Fascinated? who in their right mind would be amused by such power?" he asked.Memories of a starry eyed Noe holding the book of Vanitas flashed through my mind, and I couldn't help but snicker visibly.

Noe was the first and only one who had a positive reaction to my abilities. He hadn't been scared or disgusted to know that someone of the blue moon clan was alive.

Neither did he judge me for it. His disapproval of me was based on my "obnoxious" and "intoleratable"personality which is fairy true.

I don't blame Noe for wanting to get rid of me.

In fact, I had enjoyed the look of pure annoyance that the vampire always threw my way when I was acting up.

Noe's eyes always show what he's thinking and it's why I stuck around with him the whole time. He had nothing to hide. He was honest and he said what's on his mind.

What irritated me, though, was his politeness. The way he spoke reminded me of an overly caring grandma.

His voice is always so gentle and his tone is sweet, unlike the bitterness I'm used to hearing.

He never crossed his boundries with me all the while staying close, in case I decide to open up.
And he never held me accountable for my negative reactions.

Although, he threatned to leave if I kept bothering him while he's focused on his letters, he never did.

I'm getting too used to this. I don't even know Noe that much and yet it feels as if he would never leave me.

He promised to fight by my side, to never break my trust, and he vowed to protect me. I suppose I let my walls break a little at that.

My thoughts were interupted by the sound of fingers snapping in front of my face. I looked to my left to see Louis and his narrowedeyes.

"What in the world has you zoning out like that?" He asked and my head turned towards the front a little to quick or it to be considered casual.

"Ah...it's nothing. Your answer made me think of an acquaintane of mine is all," I explained and I could tell that Louis was giving me that suspicious stare again.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't concern me. I'm going to my room now."I nodded and watched Louis turn the corner before heading for my own room.

Perhaps, I can get some sleep in.

"MISTER VANITAS!!!!!!" I sqeezed my eyes shut and regretted coming back from the forest now. Of course Noe is going to be here.

He had been asking me questions since I woke up. I even suggested that he go out and play if he wants to be healthy and it's why he got hurt too.

"Mister Vanitas!! Domi is going to come today!!," he excitedly informed me and I kneeled down to listen to what he had to say next.

"Is Domi your sister, Noe?" I asked him, so he doesn't question why I know her.

"Kinda...she's more of my best friend in the whole world!!! she always comes here every month and we sleep together. louis, her and I.

She likes to play dress up with me sometimes and she always makes me pretty bracelets when she comes," he babbled and I recalled seeing a tiny chest in our room in Paris, with a bunch of handmade Jewlery.

"sounds like you like this Domi girl a lot, huh?" Noe nodded harshly and continued ranting about how much he likes Domi and why he does so. All I heard was "blah blah she's so nice" and "blah blah she always helps me" and "she plays with me".

"And this one time, we were playing in the mud but it got in my eye so she-"

"Is that all you wanted to tell me? because I'm getting tired kneeling like this now. Can I at least go sit somewhere,?" I interupted the boy who looked awfully guilty now.

"I wanted to ask you if you know how to make flower crowns," He finally said and I gave him a weird look. Why would I know how to make flower crowns of all things? That's so ridiculous. Who even knows that??

"Yes, I do know how to make flower crowns. Is it for Domi,? I confirmed and he nodded with a big ass smile on his little face.

I stood up to my full height and let Noe hold onto my finger as he lead me to a garden in the middle of the castle. There was no roof obviously and it had a bench at the side. I'm guessing this is for stargazing.

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