The clear night sky

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As Vanitas laid awake in the dead of the night, all he could think about was the way Noe had acted.
It clawed at Vanitas's insides, this unfamiliar gesture of his. He doesn't like it when he doesn't know what's going on, he doesn't like it at all. After a few minutes of internal misery, finally, the human fell asleep.

The blue moonlight caressed Vanitas's sleeping figure, and it would have been funny had Vanitas been awake. The raw irony of this happening amused The shapeless one.

The man in question was sitting in the garden, soaking up as much of the blue moon's presence as he can.

Days like these, the man wondered why this world chooses to abandon the beauty of the blue moon simply because of second hand fairytales. As time went by, the man sensed another's presence.

A kind smile formed on his face as golden eyes and dark hair came in view.

"Louis, what brings you here at a time like this?," he asked his grandson, who responded with a dry chuckle. "I could ask the same of you, grandfather."

"fair enough. I wanted to witness the blue moon in all it's glory. You don't get a sky this clear every day now, do you?," the man explained. The boy hummed and sat down beside his grandfather, now also staring at the blue moon in the clear sky.

"Noe would have loved this had he been awake," Louis said with a hint of sadness seeping through his tone. "he always sees the best in everything, or rather, everyone."

The older man nodded and gave his grandson a proud look. "that's because he tries to look for the good in everything, or rather, everyone. He hasn't learned to look for the flaws, and so he settles down with the good things. We can learn a lot from him when it comes to looking for the good in things, or people, even though the situation favors the bad."

Louis closed his eyes and let a light breeze brush his hair out of his face.

"He really ought to learn to be more careful though," louis worried, finally coming to the point he had wanted to discuss in the first place.

"oh, and why is that? "Louis gave the shapeless one a confused look.

"surely, you have noticed how naïve and trusting he is of strangers. He brought the vampire, or descendent  of the blue moon itself to our home. God forbid that Vanitas did something to him-,"

"But he didn't," The older man cut his grandson's concerns. "Noe just wanted to help a lost man. He didn't ask who he was because he didn't care enough to. He simply wanted to help someone, despite who they may be. Besides, the man who Noe brought home won't cause him any harm."

Louis sighed and decided that arguing with this man was no use after all.

"fine, but if that man does anything, and I mean, anything, to hurt Noe, I won't hold back," and with that, Louis got up and head back to his room.

The shapeless one hid his snickering behind his hand, not wanting to embarrass his ever so proud and confident grandson.

Truth is, Louis  mostly relies on logic and his intelligence to escape his problems. In this case, none of his strengths are going to be any useful.

As the older man's quiet laughter died down completely, dark clouds had started to form in the clear sky. The blue moon still shone brightly but for how long, he didn't know. The world is an interesting place, with the way it changes every second. The same couldn't be said about the people living in the said world.


At the same time, somewhere else in the castle, Noe was banging on Louis's door. He had a nightmare and he didn't want to sleep alone.

He has been banging for a while now but he doesn't think that Louis is going to wake up anymore. The boy doesn't know that louis isn't in his room, but talking to his grandfather in the garden.

Deflated, the little boy starts to head back to his room beside Louis's but was startled when the door across, creaked open. The little boy looked up to see Vanitas's annoyed scowl and his disheveled bed hair.

Noe widened his eyes in fear that his banging had woken up their guest and he bowed his head in guilt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," the boy apologized and heard vanitas move forward.

The action made the tiny boy flinch back, assuming that the older man was going to punish him for disturbing his sleep. That's what the people at the circus would have done anyways.

Noe waited for the impact but none came. He looked up to see a confused expression on Vanitas's face before realization took form on his delicate looking features.

"hey now, you don't think I'm going to hit you just for waking me up now, do you? That's just cruel, even for me."

Noe relaxed his shoulders and let a small smile form on his face. "I'm sorry for waking you up though. I couldn't sleep so I went to Louis's room but he isn't opening the door," the boy over explained and Vanitas shook his head at how much that reminded him of the present Noe.

"well...why can't you sleep? you're a kid after all, what's got you awake at this late hour?," vanitas asked the little kid in front of him who gave Vanitas an embarrassed smile.

"I had a...mighttime...nightmoore-,"


"yes! Nightmare, and I can't sleep anymore," the boy explained.

Vanitas nodded and soon the silence became awkward. The older man didn't know what to do in a situation like this.

As the silence grew unbearable, Vanitas let out a sigh and opened the door wider as an invitation.

Noe, being ever so oblivious, looked at the open door with confusion before making an 'oh' sound and hurrying inside.

Vanitas followed the little pipsqueak and saw Noe sitting on his side of the bed. The side that he had warmed up. Now, he has to sleep on the cold side of the bed. With a groan, Vanitas laid down next to the kid.

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