𝐴𝑐𝑡 𝑇𝑤𝑜 - 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑒𝑛

Start from the beginning

Shane backed away from the doors, turning around and stomping toward the rest of the group,

"You cannot tell me you're all right with this." Shane huffs, walking past rick.

"I'm not, but we're guests here. this isn't our land." The sheriff reminds. Shane takes off his hat, throwing his arms in the air.

"This is our lives, man!" Shane exclaims.

The group quarrels about what to do, or how they should be reacting entirely. Mercy steps forward just as her dad did, looking into the barn.

Inside it's dark, but mercy is still able to see enough to make out at least a dozen walking corpses. Her breath gets caught in her throat as she retreats,

"Okay, we've either got to go in there, we gotta make things right or we've just gotta go" Shane insists, placing his hat back on top of his shaved head. "Now we've been talking about fort benning for a long time." He adds.

Mercy is sick and tired of hearing about her father's Fort Benning plan. She agrees that it's their best bet, and eventually, yes, she would like to check it out and see what they can help out with. but her father is completely obsessed with the idea of getting there.

"We can't go," Rick exclaims. Shane shakes his head,

"Why, Rick? Why?" Rick goes silent for a moment, Mercy stands closer,

"We don't have enough supplies for the trip, let alone enough gas to get there," Mercy starts, "and have you completely forgotten that Sophia is still missing?" Mercy asks, taking a smaller step closer to her father,

Shane runs his hands over his face and turns to carol,

"Okay, I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility," Shane starts, his hands pressed together in prayer,

"We're not leaving Sophia behind," Rick insists, Daryl steps out from his spot behind Carol,

"I'm close to finishing this Girl." He exclaims, pacing slightly, "I just found her damn doll two days ago." Shane stifles a laugh,

"you found her doll Daryl, that's what you did. you found a doll." Shane huffed, and Mercy shook her head.

"Yeah, her doll. the one she owned," She reminded, "has the thought ever dawned on you that she could be close to where she dropped it?" Shane shook his head again,

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about," Daryl said to Shane, swinging his arm around to emphasize his stress.

"I'm just stating what needs to be said, you get a good lead, it's in the first forty-eight hours," Shane continued. Rick kept pulling the other man away, begging him to keep his mouth shut and stop talking like the poor girl is dead.

"Let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction." Shane insulted, pointing far away. Mercy pointed a finger at her father's chest,

"Oh, Go to hell!" She exclaimed. Daryl pushed himself away from the men holding him back. He kept swinging for shane, but with all the people separating the two, mercy would be surprised if he even got a punch on the other man.

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