04 How's This for a Tire Iron?

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It's been a few days since my little welcome wagon, party of one, made its way over to Katy's house. After she brought us into the living room, we just talked. For hours actually. She told me about Florida and what it's like compared to dinky little Ketterman, and I told her what I like to do for fun, which is what every teenager in a small town does: drive around aimlessly.

However my personality appeared to Katy, her "inner golden retriever" as she put it in the books must have accepted me. She asked me if I wanted to go to the library with her tonight in Petersburg, to which I answered with the calmest "yes" possible and then hung up the phone to squeal into my pillow yet again.

She said that Dee had told her not to go into town alone, and it didn't take me long to realize it's because of the bear incident with Daemon. Katy hasn't told me about that night, but I know that Daemon scared off the bear and left a trace. Which now means that Katy is going to get jumped tonight because of it. Or really, we are going to get jumped tonight.

I have somewhat of a plan to counter said jumping. Will it work? I have no idea. Am I afraid to die so soon into the books and lose my entire experience? Most definitely. Oh, and I also have no idea what could happen to me in real life if I die in here, but that's a matter for another time. The only thing I sort of take solace in is the fact that Daemon will show up at some point during the whole ordeal.

So far today, all I've done is ransack my room for those stupid books. I can't find them anywhere. Kayla was certain that she gave each of the books back as she read them last year, and she even gave her room a once-over for me just to be extra certain. I understand why the universe or Ripley or whoever did this would take the books away, but it's just so unhelpful.

I only have about ten minutes left until I'm supposed to be at Katy's, so I head downstairs and turn on the tv. It's maybe a thirty inch tv, and Mom hasn't felt the need to upgrade, so it has somewhat of a box attached to the back of it. It takes some getting used to. You don't go from a sixty inch flat screen to a thirty inch box tv without a bit of a struggle.

Flipping through the TV guide gets me a whole lot of nothing, and I settle back against our old and dated couch. I don't know very many of the popular tv shows except for the cartoons. A rerun of the good Teen Titans is on, followed by an episode of Adventure Time, both of which are shows that I remember loving as child. I think they've stopped airing those as far as I know.

With a deeply disappointed sigh, I stick with the remaining minutes of Teen Titans. I loved the show, but it's kind of sad to be stuck in a time you're not familiar with. The tv is dumb, my phone is dumb, my Mac is dumb. I'd say this jump backward in technology is the only downside to this whole experience. That, and the fact that I know nothing about my life here.

The show ends, and my disappointment is quickly curbed by the thought of engaging with one of my favorite characters. I hop off the couch quickly and put on a pair of tennis shoes with laces. My favorite pair has no laces, but with the danger I'm more than likely to be in tonight, I need some to keep these puppies constricted.

Mom isn't home right now, something about meeting the girls tonight, so I lock the door behind me and walk across the street. Katy is already outside and waiting by the car.

"Hey," she smiles and gives a small wave as I walk up her driveway.

I repeat her greeting in response and give a smile of my own, my dark hair bouncing behind me as I move toward the passenger side of her car.

"You ready?"

"Of course! I could use a few books of my own."

We both slide into the car. "Perfect. I'm glad to have met a fellow book nerd so soon into moving here." She starts the car and backs out of the driveway, taking us in the direction of Petersburg.

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