16 So Not My Fault

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I head over to Dee's house around lunch time. Dee said she would drive us all to Cumberland today to go dress shopping, so Katy and I are meeting her here before we go pick up Grace and Kayla.

When I knock on the door, there's no answer. I lean in close to the glass of the door and cup my hands around my face to peer in. No sign of anyone, although Dee's and Daemon's cars are both sitting in the driveway.

I hum once, considering whether or not I should just walk in. The consideration doesn't last long, though, as I reach for the doorknob and twist, finding it unlocked.

"Dee?" I call out to my empty surroundings. 

As I walk into the living room, looking around for any sign of human... er- alien life, I nearly jump out of my skin. There on the couch lays Daemon, his body stretched out in the epitome of laziness. One of his legs hangs off the couch while one arm is folded behind his head, tv remote in hand.

To top it all off, he's shirtless.

I bend over and rest my hands on my knees, doing my best to catch my breath. Looking up at him, I ask, "Have you been laying there the whole time?"

He doesn't even look at me. His eyes never leave the tv screen, which is playing an early rerun of Friends. "Yep."

My heart finally slows down and I move to stand more in his view. "I knocked. Why would you not answer the door?"

Daemon's eyes flick to mine, the only part of him that moves. His gaze travels lazily down my body and then slowly makes its way back up to my face. Suddenly, I feel very self-conscious in my skinny jeans and yellow hoodie, something I normally feel most comfortable in.

My hands clasp together nervously in front of my body, fingers twisting together, and his eyes glance down one more time at the movement. When his eyes meet mine again, one of his brows raise.

I can feel my cheeks heating up, and I clear my throat softly. "Okay. Um, is Dee upstairs?"


"Right. Well, it was good to see you Daemon." I turn to walk toward the stairs, but the next thing he says makes me pause.

"You still going to the dance with Simon?"

I turn back to face him and give him a look that hopefully says, 'yes, now drop it.'

A mischievous grin spreads across his face as he reads my look correctly. "Just checking." 

Daemon sits up from his relaxed position and leans to rest his elbows on his knees. The muscles that shift and flex as he does so catch my attention. He clears his throat, letting me know that he can see me ogling him.

My cheeks burn even hotter this time and I look down to ogle the floor instead.

"And it looks like Katy has a date now too. What's his name? Colton?"

I frown at his words but keep my gaze to the floor. "Caleb. His name is Caleb."

"Right. Anyway, I tried to take your advice and ask her to the dance myself, but it looks like Kyle beat me to it."

I huff and cross my arms. "Then you took too long. Not my fault."

Daemon is on his feet and standing directly in front of me in less than a second. I couldn't even blink before he stopped himself less than a few inches in front of my body. My eyes go wide and I look from side to side awkwardly before taking a big step back.

Damn this alien speed.

"But do you want to know what is your fault?" Daemon matches my step, keeping the same distance between us.

Falling into FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora